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The Relaxation Time


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When the World Trade Center collapsed in New York in 2001, Daniel Pipes was no longer happy. This American intellectual was a full-time scholar of ancient Islamic history, but his main job was to criticize Islam. "I have a lot to say now," Pais announced. It's time for me to speak. "

In fact, Pipes has been intimidating Americans with Islam and Muslims for many years but to no avail. The incident 9/11 was a tragedy for millions of people, but it turned out to be a golden opportunity for pipes to benefit. Now the trumpet of the pipes began to declare with full force that Islam and the West were at war. Pipes was not the only propagandist of this so-called ideology, but all the anti-Muslim American intellectuals, political leaders and the affluent class joined together to spread poisonous propaganda against Islam.

So far, Muslim leaders in the United States and Europe, as well as some American intellectuals have pointed out that a certain group in the West, especially in the United States has been conducting a well-organized campaign to defame Islam, but they have not been able to provide any concrete evidence. ۔

But in August, an American think tank, The Center for American Progress, published a very comprehensive and powerful report exposing anti-Islamic groups, at least in the United States. The report caused a stir in the United States in particular and showed Americans the true face of anti-Muslim forces. The English name of the report is "The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America" ​​meaning "Islam in America". The foundations of the group that spread the fear of

The report was prepared after six months of hard work by six think tanks - Wajahat, Ali, Eli Clifton, Matthews, Lee Feng, Fund Scott, and Faiz Shakir. During the six months, he read thousands of newspapers, magazines, and books, and interviewed hundreds of people.

The report shocked not only Muslims but also Americans by making many revelations. The biggest revelation was that not all conservatives in the United States have opened a front against Islam and Muslims, but a small, well-organized group. The group is staffed by some of the most dynamic and fat-tongued intellectuals who can impress millions of Americans with their "heartfelt" words. The group is funded by some conservative wealthy companies. The group also includes some of the US media, TV networks, newspapers, and magazines. In the last ten years, the same group has spread hatred against Islam and Muslims, especially in the United States, and has made a list of false claims against one world religion.
The practice of this anti-Islamic group is that the seven big and countless small American companies pay millions of dollars annually to the "five experts". Here are the names of the five experts who have set up their own think tanks:

۔ Afrinik Geffen (Center for Security Policy)

۔ David Jerusalem (Society of Americans for National Existence)

۔ Daniel Pipes (Middle East Forum)

۔ Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America)

۔ Steven Emerson (Investigative Ghetto Project on Terrorism)

Usually these five so-called experts in Islam and Muslims fabricate lies and create false material. These lies are then used by American politicians, anti-Islamic organizations and the media. These experts, not only in the United States but also in Europe and Latin America, make baseless allegations against Islam. State assemblies state that the United States is threatened by Sharia law and that Islamic terrorists or their sympathizers are raised in American mosques.

It is the result of the organized activities of this anti-Islamic group over the last ten years that today Muslims all over the West, including the United States, are being considered as rioters or terrorists. European governments are trying to prevent Muslims from practicing their religion.

In public places, Muslims are subjected to hatred and even violence. The situation has reached such a point that Muslims in the West can no longer build their places of worship peacefully. It is as if the anti-Islamic West has been successful in its campaign over the last ten years and has presented Islam as a horrible religion and its followers in a horrible way.

Islamophobia is now on the rise in the United States and Europe. That is why in many European countries, anti-Islamic political parties are coming up with more votes in each new election. Then in recent days the same Islamophobia took a tragic turn in Norway when an extremist Norwegian shot his own compatriots. The Norwegian butcher believes that violence and unrest are necessary to save Europe from being converted to Islam by Musharraf.

As expected, as soon as Anders Breivik showed his malice on July 22, leading American newspapers such as the New York Times, Washington Post and The Atlantic began to speculate that the Oslo bombings and shootings were carried out by al-Qaeda. It was later revealed that this was the work of a white extremist.

Anders Breivik also drafted a 1500-pages manifesto to save the West from Islam, a horrific site of hatred and bigotry against Muslims (and secularists as well). In it, Breivik also cites anti-Islamic groups in various places. It called him an expert on "Islam's War Against the West." Among these "specialists" is Robert Spencer, whose name appears "twice" in the Manifesto.

Robert Spencer's website claims that "he is adept at detecting the attacks of extremist Islam on Western civilization." The names of David Horowitz and Pamela Geller also appear 12 times ۔ Both are close associates of Spencer and a staunch anti-Islamic American leader.

David runs a website called Freedom Center. Pamela has opened a blog, Atlas Shargs. Spencer and Pamela have formed an organization, Stop Islamization of America. The organization's ostensible goal is to discredit extremist Islam, but it also spreads vicious propaganda against Islam and Muslims across the United States.

It is noteworthy that many Americans are not aware of these acts of hatred and violence, but a handful of these anti-Islamic leaders play a key role in shaping national and international policies. These leaders constantly tell Americans and Europeans that Islam seeks to destroy Western values.
The point is that ordinary Westerners, especially Americans, should be intimidated by this great religion. Thus, many Western intellectuals themselves have admitted that inspired by this poisonous propaganda, Breivik massacred innocent people. Of course, anti-Islamic leaders cannot be blamed for this massacre, but it is their fire that has killed hundreds of Norwegians.

It is their vile propaganda that has turned a young man from a noble and respectable family into a fanatic and extremist. All in all, it is the message of hatred and war that Islam is at war with the West, so it is important to defend Western civilization.

Mark Sageman is a well-known American counterterrorism expert. It says that just as al-Qaeda was born of a religious extremist, so too was the propaganda of anti-Islamic experts created Breuk. The essence of this propaganda is that Sharia is gradually gaining ground in the West and the Qur'an commands Muslims to forcibly convert all non-Muslims to Islam.

Fear of Islam in the West is not a new phenomenon, but the systematic, coordinated and enthusiastic campaign by anti-Muslim American experts over the past ten years is certainly astonishing. In American society, their amount is like salt in flour, yet their influence has grown so much that they can influence the outcome of the 2012 election.

As mentioned earlier, this anti-Islamic network receives dollars in fresh blood from conservative Americans. These dollars are then used to create think tanks, websites, and blogs. Newspapers, magazines, and books are printed and reports are made with this help.

TV networks have programs, discussions, and debates. The whole idea of ​​this whole operation is to defame Islam and Muslims as much as possible so that Westerners and Americans start hating or fearing them. Now, taking advantage of this hatred and fear, many American organizations and European political parties are expanding their vote bank. For example, in July, Newt Gingrich, a former speaker of the US National Assembly, told a gathering at the American Enterprise Institute, "The greatest threat to freedom in the United States and around the world is Sharia. ''

He further claimed that "the principles and punishments of Shariah are totally foreign to the Western world." ۔ The same areas are found in Christianity and Judaism, but Gingrich and other American leaders are targeting Islam for political, financial, and ideological purposes.

The American intellectual Andrew McCarthy has a similar view to Gingrich. He claims in his recent "research" report that "Sharia is the greatest threat in modern times." The two do not agree on a common language, as McCarthy's report was released by the think tank, the Center for Security. He is an active member of the anti-Muslim network.

It is noteworthy that this system of hatred and bigotry is backed by influential and wealthy Americans who are well aware of the threats to national security. It's a very lucrative business, so many players in American politics are involved. These anti-Islamic leaders of American companies think tanks and organizations are also adept at the art of getting media attention.

They are especially popular with The Washington Times, Fox News and other conservative TV and radio networks. These leaders speak at conferences, write articles on their websites, and talk on TV and radio networks. Their main theme is to defame Muslims by making heinous accusations against Islam.

Taking advantage of this propaganda, conservative political parties in all European countries, including the United States, collect donations from the people. She then wins the election with the money she earns and brings forward politicians who can speak out against Muslims.
These American activities are another dark chapter in American history; a history in which influential classes have repeatedly persecuted minorities on religious, ethnic or sectarian grounds. From Catholic Christians to Mormons, Japanese Americans, European immigrants, Jews, and African Americans, they have been exploited.

Finally, in In the middle of the twentieth century, this society was born to some extent, which was dreamed of by the founders of America. Unfortunately, in the twentieth century, Islam and American Muslims became victims of religious and ethnic persecution, and this trend continues. Today, the majority of Americans do not want to see a Muslim in government institutions, including the Supreme Court and the White House.

When the 9/11 accident happened, most Americans did not view Islam through the lens of prejudice. That is why US President George W. Bush, in a speech at the Afghan embassy in 2002, presented a public opinion. "All Americans must understand that terrorism and Islam have nothing to do. Islam is a religion that gives peace to more than one billion people. Our brothers and sisters of all races are Muslims. This religion is based on love, not hatred. "

Unfortunately, the Islamophobia Network later launched its anti-Islamic campaign with such fervor that even conscious and intelligent Americans fell for it. This was not only a sad but also a dangerous act because American Muslims were declared untouchables and strangers and encouraged the sentiments and ideologies that spread hatred and anarchy in the society.

Nevertheless, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, American Muslims proved to be extremely conscious and peaceful. He fully cooperated with the US administration and reached out to the security agencies to the stray Muslims who wanted to take revenge on the American militants by killing innocent civilians. The fact is that some of the Muslims who had planned the terrorist attacks were reported to the security agencies by the Islamists.

Even now, in some parts of the world, some Muslims are massacring not only non-Muslims but also their brothers and sisters in the name of Islam. The majority of Muslims consider them out of their circle. In fact, ordinary Muslims, like non-Muslims, are shocked and disturbed by their extremist and cruel nature, but the Islamophobia network in the United States and Europe is giving the impression that all Muslims are terrorists and war-mongers. This impression is completely false and far from the facts. On the contrary, it makes it difficult for the West to fight terrorism.

The US government has recently developed a new national policy to combat violent extremism. Under it, help is also being sought from like-minded Muslim organizations to end extremism in the United States. The key point of this national policy is "How to break al Qaeda's propaganda that the United States are engaged in a war against Islam?"

But given the activities of Islamophobia networks operating in the United States and Europe, al-Qaeda's claim that the United States hates Islam and Muslims seems plausible. That is why Americans are massacring Muslims all over the world. Then, unfortunately, the loneliness and untouchability of American Muslims today have gone through the process of separating different American classes in the past. For example, when the "Ground Zero Mosque" crisis erupted this year, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reminded Americans of a forgotten page in their history.

Speaking to Americans, Bloomberg said, "Muslims today suffer from the same fear, depression and mental anguish that Catholic Christians in the United States suffered three centuries ago. Although religious freedom had taken root in the United States in the 18th century, Catholics in New York were not allowed to practice their religion.

If a Catholic priest tried to worship, he would be arrested. That is why the first The Catholic church was built in New York City in the year 1780. The church is still standing today, two blocks north of the site of the World Trade Center. The proposed mosque will be built to its south. I want to say that if we consider Muslims as untouchables, we will betray our values ​​and become a toy in the hands of extremists. ”

The Islamophobia Network is funded by the United States and anti-Islam campaigners abroad by Amir Kabir Americans or conservative organizations. The list includes several US companies, but seven have emerged in the last ten years.
These seven organizations have donated about 45 million to the Islamophobia Network over the past ten years so that it can continue its activities. But this is the kind of aid that has documented evidence. The money, which was secretly given as aid, could be in the millions of dollars. Then there is the support of other small institutions.

With tens of millions of dollars a year, anti-Islamic leaders have been able to launch poisonous propaganda campaigns against Muslims, not just in the United States but throughout the Western world. Below is an introduction to the seven major patrons of the Satanic Network:

Donors Capital Fund This fund is established by the Donors Trust, a dedicated organization in the United States. The trust is funded by various wealthy Americans. At their behest, donations are then distributed to various social and political institutions. Because the names of donors to the Donors Capital Fund are kept confidential, it is difficult to know who donates.

To receive the services of this fund, the donor must pay at least one million dollars. The funds are given only to NGOs "who are engaged in some form of social work."

All the directors on the board of the Donors Capital Fund are conservative leaders. It is also headed by Adam Myerson, president of a national donors' association. The most prominent of the board's anti-Islamic directors are Christopher D. Meth. He is a Senior Fellow at The American Enterprise Institute, an extremist think tank in Washington. This think tank has always urged the US government to adopt an aggressive foreign policy.

The Donors Capital Fund donated approximately ؍ 20 million to experts and organizations involved in the Islamophobia Network from 2006 to 2009. The dollars went to the vaults of the Middle East Forum, the Celeron Fund, the Investigative Ghetto Project on Terrorism, and the David Horwitz Freedom Center.

In 2006, the fund contributed 17 million to the Claron Fund. This is the largest donation to any organization in the Islamophobia Network. The American website, Salon Work, claims that the money was provided by Barley Saeed, a Chicago businessman.

In the same vein, the Cleron Fund produced a special DVD called "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West." Before the presidential election, the American swing states were distributed in the number of 28 million. (Swing states are the American states.)

Where voters are influenced by a single issue and vote for the candidate of their choice (although the conservative favorite Republican candidate did not win the election, the DVD did a good job). According to American experts, this is what has come from the DVD media in the last five years that has convinced millions of Americans that Islam can wreak havoc on their freedom, lives, and property.

Richard Million Schaefie's Foundations Richard Million Schaefie is an American billionaire and heir to a million families. The family is involved in the oil, banking, and aluminum businesses. According to Forbes Magazine, Richard has a net worth of 1.2 billion. He is not only a major donor to conservative organizations in the United States, but is also called the "Father of Donations" by conservatives. It raises money for dozens of extremist think tanks, organizations, and institutions through its three foundations, The Sar Scaffy Carthage Foundation and Allegheny.

In 2009, The Sara Schiffi Foundation donated 5.5 million to the conservative organization, the American Enterprises Institute, 1.5 million to the Eagle Think Tank, 1.5 million to the American Foreign Policy Council, and 40,000 to New Conservative magazine, commentary. Donate. Besides, from 2001 to 2009, the same foundation donated about؍ 5.9 to the Islamophobia Network organizations in the report.

Lindy & Harry Bradley Foundation The foundation is a memorial to two brothers, Lindy and Harry Bradley, who formed a company to manufacture factory-used machinery. The foundation is also an active supporter of conservative organizations. In particular, from 2001 to 2005, the organization donated ؍ 1.2 million dollars to the Project for the New American Century.
This think tank was very active under George W. Bush and played a key role in shaping the US government's war and foreign policy. Many directors on the foundation's board also hold extremist views. Notable among them is Robert George, a professor at Princeton University who has been described by the New York Times as "America's most influential Christian orthodox intellectual." The Bradley Foundation distributed about 5 million dollars to anti-Islamic think tanks and organizations between 2001 and 2009.

The Newton & Rochelle Foundation and Trust Newton Baker is an American investor. It has two foundations (Newton D & Rochelle Baker Foundation and Newton & Rochelle Baker Family Foundation) and Newton & Rochelle Baker Cherry Table Trust.

The mission of these three organizations is to fund Jewish organizations, especially those that fight anti-Israel and anti-Semitic material in the media. These organizations support Israel everywhere. These three pro-Semitic organizations gave more than 12 million dollars to the anti-Muslim American forces from 2001 to 2009.

The Russell Berry Foundation was founded in 1985 by Russell Berry, an American millionaire. It also aims to increase the status of Jews in American society. The organization provided 31 million dollars to the Islamophobia Network from 2001 to 2009.

The Anchorage Cherry Table Fund and the William Rosenwald Family Fund are owned by American investors David Stephen and Elizabeth Wert Inn. The two are close friends of extremist American experts such as Daniel Pearl and Frank Geffen. These organizations also donate millions of dollars each year to conservative organizations. He provided between 2001 to 2009 28 million dollars to anti-Islamic organizations.

The Fairbrook Foundation is a subsidiary of the California Community Foundation, owned by Oberoi Chrink, a software engineer. He has a net worth of about 65 million. The organization provided approximately لاکھ 1.5 million to the Islamophobia Network from 2002-09. O'Brien is also a trustee of the Washington Institute for Foreign Policy, a think tank. The think tank paid 35 million to start an anti-Islam blog, Pajamas Media. This blog was created in opposition to the Park,51 Mosque and Islamic Center in New York.

Leading propagandists are part of the Islamophobia network in the United States, but five of them are at the forefront of their "enthusiasm" and hatred. It is they who create the "lofty ideals" and ideologies that then become the mouthpiece of anti-Islamic leaders and experts. These ideas are then repeated over and over again in many places, websites, and talk shows so that, according to the infamous Nazi minister, Goebbels lies start to come true.

The claim of all Islamophobic experts, including these five, is that the religion of 1.6 billion Muslims, Islam, should be despised as much as possible. He claims that "Islam is the only religion in the world that commands its followers to fight against non-Muslims so that the whole world comes under the influence of Islamic rule."

Although there is no such thing, these so-called experts are trying to prove it, and the reason is that conservative Christians in the United States vote for the Republican Party. Now the leaders of this party want to get as many Christian voters as possible. This is possible only when Christians come together for a purpose.

Conservative Christians have made it their goal to oppose Islam and Muslims. So, out of fear of Islam, they are busy bringing their umbrella to the Christians and this is being done by launching a vicious campaign against the Muslims. The campaign involves all conservative institutions, organizations, and individuals, even if they seem to have nothing to do with it.

This Islamophobia exaggerates trivialities and brings a far cry. For example, when Obama became president, new lies were tried to prove him a Muslim. When Obama bowed to the Saudi king, it was rumored that it was a secret code for the implementation of Sharia law in the United States, although bowing down was a sign of respect.

At the same time, they claim that mosques are "Trojan horses", not places of worship. It is thought that a point should be made against Islam and Muslims. The following is an introduction to some of the leading American thinkers: Frank Giffney, a 9-year-old Gaffney, holds an MA in International Studies from Johns Hopkins University.

In 1988, President Reagan made him Deputy Secretary of Defense. In 1986, Geffen founded his think tank, the Center for Security Policy. The think tank has been linked to anti-Islamic leaders such as Richard Pearl, Douglas, Faith, and William Bennett, but Geffen himself is the most prominent. Its organization receives millions of dollars in grants each year from conservative affluent organizations. Anders Breivik mentioned this seven times in his manifesto.
Frank Geffen travels around the United States to oppose the construction of mosques. He "testifies" in various forums, local courts, conferences that Sharia is gradually infiltrating American society. He once "accused" the Muslim Brotherhood of funding 80% of mosques in the United States.

As evidence, Geffen presented a document written several years ago by a lower Brotherhood leader. Well-known American experts have dismissed the 20-page report as "imaginary plague".

Nathan Brown is a professor of political science and world affairs at George Washington University and director of the Institute for Middle East Studies. When asked about the document, Professor Sahib said, "It was the dream of an ordinary Brotherhood leader and dreaming is not a crime."

Regarding Geffen's accusation, he said, "He is a priest of fame and fortune. I would rather do something useful than pay attention to it. ”Despite this, Giffen kept saying that he was right. Eventually the matter cooled down on its own.

In 2010, its think tank released a report entitled "Sharia: A Threat to America." It claims that Sharia has dictatorial foundations and is militant in nature. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union, a well-known human rights organization in the United States also published a report, "Don't be afraid, the threat of Sharia is just a threat." The six-page report tells the American people that there is no threat to them from Sharia and that all concerns are based on misunderstandings.

The Civil Liberties Report reveals that there is no threat to the US judicial system from Islam, nor has any Islamic law become part of it. On the contrary, it has become clear that the courts are impartial in hearing the cases of Muslims. Although Muslims do not have all the rights that followers of other religions have in the United States.

Geffen's think tank also gives anti-Islamic books to so-called experts. Recently, the latest book of these experts "Muslim Mafia Revealed: Under the Secret Underground World" has been published. Its coordinators, David Gaussier and Paul Sapri claim that Muslim spy interns and employees have entered the White House. Now they are pursuing a toxic Islamic agenda.

He also runs a campaign against prominent American Muslim leaders. Geffen does his best to be called a traitor and a deceiver, and even if an American leader speaks out in favor of Islam, he is criticized. For example, when Terry Jones wanted to commit the heinous act of burning the Koran in public, General David Petraeus called it a shameful act of extremism. Geffen shouted that the general had become a slave to the law.

The Obama administration recently created the new US Missile Defense logo. Geffen created another ridiculous situation. Because the logo had the moon and stars on it, it made a fuss that this was another secret move to make the United States an Islamic state. It was later revealed that the logo was created by the US military before the 2008 election, but it was implemented three years later.
David Jerusalem is a59-year-old David think tank, founder of The Society of Americans for National Existence and a lawyer. The agency was the first to propose the proposal, "Congress enacted legislation that would make anyone who follows American law imprisoned for up to five years." What a staunch anti-Islamic leader David is.

He hates not only Muslims but also blacks. In 2000, in one of his articles, "Detailed Discussion on Race," he described blacks as the world's biggest killers. David is a legal advisor to several organizations involved in the Islamophobia Network.

He also actively participates in compiling anti-Islamic reports. He is also a lawyer for an organization called Stop the Madrassa. The organization targets secular schools where Arabic language and culture are taught.

In addition, David was the first to introduce "anti-Sharia" law in the United States. David believes that Islam and Judaism and Christianity are at war. That is why Muslims who follow the Shari'a became its enemies. So David introduced anti-Sharia law so that Muslims would not have any constitutional or legal protection and would not be able to pray freely.

It is a matter of concern that members of the Islamophobia Network have presented it in the local congresses of seven states. If the bill passes, Muslims in these states will not be able to perform Islamic rituals freely.

Some time ago, Islamophobia experts under the auspices of David released a report that 9% of American mosques are a source of terrorism. What's more, the network's media and experts hailed the report. Interestingly, another study that refuted this report came out recently.

The study, conducted by two prominent scholars, David Schins and Charles Curzman, in collaboration with the Dukes Sanford School of Public Policy and the University of North Carolina, was completed in two years. The report was titled "Anti-Terror Experiments of American Muslims." The report revealed that in fact, mosques are proving to be a great help in curbing extremism.

The same fact is acknowledged by senior law enforcement officials. For example, FBI Director Robert Mueller, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Michael Lester, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, testified before the Senate committee that many terrorist plots were prematurely based on information provided by American Muslims. ۔

Daniel Pipes This is probably the most famous name of the Islamophobia Network in the Islamic world. The reason is that this 3-year-old anti-Islamic intellectual has a doctorate in ancient Islamic history from Harvard University. However, it emerged as a major enemy of Islamic Islam.

In fact, many non-Muslims study Islam to find flaws in it. Pipes also belong to the Orientalists of this tribe. He has also been in Egypt for three years for the purpose of education. Many universities in the United States and Switzerland has awarded degrees.

In 1990, Pipes founded the Middle East Forum, its most active organization. Pipes seeks to protect American interests through research, compilation, authorship, and newspaper articles. He has also set up his own website where he writes anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim articles. In2003, he published a book, "Muttahida Islam Arrives in America," which was one of the first attempts to defame Islam in the United States.

In the book, Pipes notes that Muslim customs are unique and unpopular with those of all faiths. But Hugh Research, a well-known American think tank, has found that "the majority of American Muslims" are satisfied and happy with their lives. They are largely absorbed into American society and do not raise many issues that are controversial between Muslims and Westerners. "
Robert Spencer, 29, is the co-founder of Stop Islamization of America and the director of Jihad Watch. He holds an MA in Religious Studies from the University of North Carolina. He is a prominent member of the Islamophobia Network in the United States. He has written ten books on Islam. One of these books, The Truth of Muhammad, was suggested by the FBI to be read at one time.

Robert Spencer has spoken out against Muslims at various US military seminars. It claims that Islam is spreading in the United States without guns and bombs. This ideology is well received in the West and is widely promoted by the Islamophobia Network. His new satanic book "Does (Hazrat) Muhammad exist?"

Interestingly, many scholars at the University of North Carolina themselves have challenged Spencer's views on Islam and Muslims. Professor Carl Ernst is the director of the University of Carolina's Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations and a professor of religious studies.

"Spencer is not qualified to make a definite claim to Islamic knowledge, but he tries to prove that Islam is not a pacifist religion by quoting from Orientalist books," he said.

Like the experts, Spencer also receives large donations. With this money he runs his own blog and publishes books and pamphlets. He also earns a reasonable income by speaking out against Islam on TV networks.

Steven Emerson, 60, has an MA in sociology from Brown University. He is the founder of the Investigative Ghetto Project on Terrorism, an organization whose website is also very active. The organization prepares research reports to tell Americans and Europeans that they face all kinds of threats from Islam. Steven has written several reports in the past exposing Muslim "terrorism," when he was linked to CNN and other news outlets.

Steven has written six books on terrorism and security. Significantly, he and his team often brief Americans, law enforcement, and members of Congress on Islamic topics. This rich extremist bears the costs of his organization with Western capital.

He is one of the oldest opponents of Islam in the United States. When the famous bombing of Oklahoma City took place in 1995, Steven told Americans on the TV network, CBS Evening News, that the bombs had been detonated by an Arab Muslim.

He claimed in the program that Muslims want to kill as many Americans as possible. But later it turned out to be the work of an American, Timothy McWah. Since then, Steven has been known in the journalistic world as "leave the rumor".

But under the influence of ordinary American propaganda, Steven Emerson is one of the "experts" whose "research" is also cited by members of Congress. For example, in March 2010, the anti-Islam TV network, Fox News, hosted a discussion on "extremist Muslims." In it, Congressman Patrick claimed that 80% of mosques in the United States are occupied by extremist Muslims. He cited research reports from Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes as evidence.
Similarly, when the Muslims of New York wanted to build the Islamic Center Park, Steven enthusiastically came out against the plan. He claimed to have received a 130-hour audiotape proving Imam Rauf a terrorist. But when the tapes came out, nothing special was found. It was as if a dug mountain had turned into a rat.

In 2006, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie nominated Sohail Mohammed, a Muslim lawyer, for the state Supreme Court. Steven then launched a media war against the governor, declaring that he had close ties to extremist Islam. As if nominating a Muslim, the governor was declared a traitor and a friend of Muslims. Similarly, members of Congress who attend celebrations of Muslim organizations are attacked by Islamophobia networks.

The above five experts and their allies have great access to the American people. This is not because their arguments are very strong and scholarly. The reason is that they have a lot of capital, the capital that they get from Amir Kabir, the conservative Americans.

With that money, he runs hundreds of websites and blogs, publishes magazines, and conducts talk shows by buying time on TV networks. This gives them ample opportunity to spread anti-Islamic ideologies to the masses. Although these ideas are of no use to intellectuals, they are used only by organizations and political leaders affiliated with the Islamophobia Network.

Experts in the so-called Muslim Islamophobia network, such as Geffen, Spencer, Pipes, etc., derive the inner secrets of Islam from a few so-called Muslim American intellectuals. These Muslim intellectuals claim that they have a great deal of knowledge about extremist Islam. The fact is that most of them are ethnically from a Muslim region, otherwise they have strayed from their true religion.

Here is an introduction to some of the so-called Muslim scholars: Zahidi Jesser, formerly a lieutenant commander in the US Navy, now practices medicine in Phoenix. He is the President of the Islamic Forum for Democracy in Phoenix. This organization wants to separate political Islam from spiritual Islam. Apparently, the ascetic seems to be a moderate Muslim. As such, he has met with former US Army Chief of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, and senior US government officials. These people wanted to hear the thoughts and ideas of the Muslim world from it.

But in reality, Zahidi is at the forefront of spreading rumors against Islam. It is as if he is a fake Muslim who has become the apple of America's eye just because of his officer and doctor. Otherwise, he is not capable of discussing Islamic issues.

He claims that Muslims with a religious disposition want to impose Sharia law in the United States and Europe. These Muslims do not believe in the ideology of "all are equal in the eyes of the law" and prefer to see non-Muslims as inferior citizens.

The Zahidi Islamophobia Network believes in the idea that American Muslim organizations want to make America an Islamic state. Its main target is Keith Elson, a Muslim member of Congress because he is often the representative body of American Muslims, the Council on America.

Speaks at Islamic Relations meetings. The video films produced by the Islamophobia Network is usually seen hurting Islam. For example, in 2010 Newt Gingrich's documentary "America at Risk: The War with No Name," he was seen saying that the United States was in great danger from Islam.

Zahidi is also an adviser to the Clareron Fund, an anti-Muslim organization with Geffen and Pipes. They make extremely provocative films against Muslims. In the documentary "Third Jihad" made by him, Zahidi has explained everything. When the film was shown to police officers, everyone disliked it, even Deputy Commissioner of Police Paul Brown said, "It's a very one-sided film. Seeing this, Muslims seem to be enemies. The film should not be shown to American soldiers at all. "

Waleed Shabat is a 50-year-old Waleed ex-Palestinian Muslim. It claims to have been a terrorist in Palestine, although it does not present any documents or witnesses. He later moved to the United States and became a Christian. Since then, he has spoken out against Islam. He calls himself an expert on "Islamic terrorism", but has zero qualifications at the intellectual level.
This apostate says that Islam is a fake religion, which was created by adopting Jewish and Christian ideas. It now wants to rule the world by eliminating all religions. The Norwegian terrorist, Breivik, has mentioned him six times in his manifesto. Geffen, Pipes, Dawson, etc., often refer to Waleed's research in their "articles" and research reports.

It appears regularly in the Islamophobia Network's video films and talk shows. Waleed recently called on the US government to monitor American Muslims and record their calls. The network pays Waleed money for his "services", although Waleed's extremist views are unrealistic and even dangerous to the FBI and other US law enforcement agencies. So the soldiers etc. are ordered not to meet him.

Waleed Faris is a 53-year-old Lebanese Christian who immigrated to the United States several years ago. He is now the director of The Future Terrorism Project, a project of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a Washington-based think tank. He is also an "expert speaker" on "Islamic Jihad", so he is also invited to talk shows to throw mud at Muslims and Islam.

Some time ago, the Senate committee summoned him to make some "scholarly" points on the allegations made by Peter King, a member of Congress. But even before that, the revelation that Waleed is a former terrorist shook the Islamophobia network.

He was, in fact, the leader of the Lebanese Front, an armed group in Lebanon, and a foreign spokesman. It is the same Christian organization that carried out the massacre of innocent Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps with the backing of the Israeli army. Waleed was not summoned to the Senate committee following the revelations.

Noni Darwish, a 62-year-old Egyptian woman born in Gaza, arrived in the United States in 1986 and became an anti-Islamist. It believes that since apostasy is punishable by death in Islam, the religion has opened the door to self-criticism.

In 2009, she founded her organization, Former Muslim United, which is part of the Islamophobia Network. Noni is also an active leader of an organization, Arabs for Israel. This organization supports the state of Israel. Noni claims that "in the future, Islam will destroy itself because it is not the true religion."

Noni has described anti-Islamic sentiments in her two books, "They Call Me an Infidel" and "Cruel and Traditional Punishment." The Islamophobia Network advertises these books well. Not long ago, the organization, the Celeron Fund, made a documentary film, Obsession, promoting the feelings of hatred and war, in which Noni participated as an expert on "extremist Islam". 8

* On April 2011, she appeared before the New York Senate Standing Committee on Veterans, Holland Security and Military Affairs. The committee was reviewing the government's preparations against terrorism. "Arab children are taught that killing people of certain groups is not only good but also a sacred act," Noni told the committee.

Noni and Waleed Faris are members of the Center for Counter-Intelligence and Security Studies, a teaching think tank. The ideology of this think tank is that world peace after the Soviet Union is threatened by extremist Islam. Claire Lopez, Tawfiq Hameed and Stephen Coglin are also affiliated with the center.

Here is a brief introduction: Claire Lopez, 56, is a former CIA agent. He served at home and abroad for twenty years. He is now a Senior for Counterintelligence Professor. She also shows her essence in opposition to Islam through pen and tongue. It claims that Muslims who practice Sharia law will be considered against American values.

Tawfiq Hameed is a 50-year-old former member of the self-styled Muslim reformed Egyptian organization, Jamia al-Islamiya. He now lectures to Muslims against extremist Islam at the Center for Counter Intelligence. Tawfiq claims that most Muslims follow extremist ideologies.

He is also a member of other Islamophobic network organizations. Another prominent name for the Stephen Coglin Center. He holds a master's degree from New York on global terrorism and jihadist organizations, as well as a lawyer. Remained affiliated with the Pentagon till 2008 years. There he was an intelligence adviser to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

According to Robert Spencer, a key figure in the Islamophobia Network, Stephen is the best expert on Islamic jihad in the United States. This expert argues that Islamic law promotes the idea of ​​terrorism. In 2010, he declared at a conference of conservatives that even moderate Muslims could not be called good Muslims.

Urban and rural organizations Some time ago, Muslims living in the area of ​​Turboband, California gathered. He wanted to raise funds for the famine-stricken people in Somalia. But in a market, a small group of angry Americans blocked their way. The Americans were shouting, "Muslims! Muslims!" Take your law and go home.
You are a supporter of terrorists, your hands are stained with blood. Get rid of the terrorists! ”With this sudden attack, the Muslims lost their senses and dispersed. Since the Muslims had children with them, they did not consider it appropriate to get involved with American thugs. Such anti-Muslim demonstrations are not uncommon in cities and towns across the United States.

The men and women participating in the demonstrations are holding placards with provocative sentences and a storm of controversy erupts from their lips. These demonstrations are followed by the desecration of mosques.

The fact is that these anti-Muslim demonstrations do not arise spontaneously but are systematically planned. The plan is being carried out by various anti-Islam and anti-Muslim civic and urban organizations that are part of the Islamophobia Network.

Some of they are notable in that their scope is wide, hundreds are limited to their respective areas. The significance of these civic and urban organizations is that they are the backbone of the Islamophobia network. This is what fuels the poison of hatred and bigotry against Islam and Muslims in the hearts of ordinary Americans.

Conservative affluent organizations provide large sums of money to these organizations so that they can recruit as many employees as possible. Some of these employees even organize demonstrations. Some employees are experienced and world-renowned politicians. Through their writings and speeches, they instill fear in Americans and frighten them away from Islam.

These organizations are successful because they are trying new tactics to spread their message to the American people. Not only do they demonstrate, but there paid speakers and writers are constantly on the move in print media, television networks and online.

Some organizations also employ evangelists who are influential in the Bible. (The biblical strip refers to the states in the United States where conservatism is most prevalent.) Some leaders belong to the emerging extremist party, the T-Party. For the sake of Amir Kabir's American capital, these organizations have all the employees who can use their abilities against Islam.

Below is an introduction to all the major civic and urban organizations that have the power to get their message across to millions of Americans. Thousands of active and enthusiastic activists are now associated with these organizations. When it comes time for a demonstration, they gather on a telephone. Even now many citizen groups, big and small, are part of these organizations. These groups, representing the Islamophobia Network, spew poison against Islam in various discussions and raise funds.

The organization was founded by Brigitte Gabriel, a five-year-old conservative leader in the Act for America Act. The point was to make ordinary Americans aware of the dangers of extremist Islam. The organization strives to make Islamophobia a pillar of the Republican Party, America's conservative political party.

While Gabriel was in Lebanon, she fell into the hands of a militant Islamist group. Gabriel claims that they mistreated him. Since then, she has become anti-Islamic. She now travels across the United States to tell Americans to unite in the fight against extremist Islam. It claims that if Islam is tolerated, the end of Western civilization is certain.

The Islamophobia Network highlights him as an "expert on Islamic jihad." Take a look at its poisonous propaganda: in 2009 the Duke University discourse in 1967, it made clear the difference between Arab Muslims and Israelis: "Barbarism vs. Civilization, Democracy vs. Dictatorship, Good vs. Evil." Conservative organizations, Focus News and The Tea Party insists on Gabriel at its rallies. It is their choice.

The Act for America became popular with Americans as soon as they saw it. Behind this extraordinary success is actually the hand of a well-organized, Guy Rogers extraordinary organizational ability. He was an election adviser to Republican presidential candidate John McCain. It established Act for America regional offices across the United States and made it a major political force. Today, the organization has 563 regional offices in the United States and 170,000 members worldwide.
The organization uses a variety of methods to ensnare ordinary Americans. In particular, it teaches its workers the tricks by which the common people can be enslaved. Besides, it hosts an annual conference that brings together so-called anti-Islamic intellectuals from around the world.

In In addition, Gabriel Christian hosts a weekly TV show on the Cable Network to describe his organization's performance and attract the attention of others. It also "cooperates" with members of Congress to introduce anti-Islamic laws at the federal and state levels. Due to his efforts, anti-Islamic members introduced the "Anti-Sharia Bill" prepared by David Jerusalem in their state assemblies. Besides, the organization makes extensive use of anti-Muslim social media sites. There he has created several pages on various topics.

Stop Islamization of America was founded by Pamela Geller, a well-known anti-Islamic American leader at the time, along with Robert Spencer. Apparently, the organization's manifesto is to protect freedom of expression, religious freedom and individual rights, but in reality, the organization's main job is to defame Islam under the guise of extremist Islam and make false accusations against it.

Pamela Geller hates Muslims by writing books and articles on the Internet. It gained notoriety in the summer of 2010 when many of the slogans created by Pamela managed to provoke American sentiment during the anti-park-mosque campaign. For example No Obama's Mosque Islam: 1400 Years of Aggression, Murder! Islam of Islam: Cutting Non-Muslims to Pie Peace of Islam: Cutting Non-Muslims to Pie Shredding) etc.

The other two major organizations in the Islamophobia Network are the American Family Association and the Eagle Forum of Orthodox Christians. Before the time of former US President George W. Bush, conservative Christian organizations rarely opposed Muslims. But under George W. Bush, the Islamophobia Network and its close ties developed.

Now they help each other in every way. Besides, a new conservative political party, the Tea Party, has recently emerged. This party is also anti-Islam and most of its members are extremist Christians.

Orthodox religious leaders have a great deal of influence in some states of the United States. Whatever he says is considered the last word. Among them, Christian religious leaders are against Islam and Muslims. The following is an introduction to one of these prominent figures: John Higgins This 31-year-old religious leader belongs to a class of Christians called the "Christian Zionists."

These Christians claim that when the Temple of Solomon is built in Jerusalem, Jesus will descend. Therefore, he is in favor of the Israeli government martyring Al-Aqsa Mosque and Haram Sharif and building the Temple of Solomon. According to this ideology, they are also against Muslims.

John Hagey is the founder of the Christian United for Israel, a pro-Israel organization. It also owns a TV station, Global Evangelism Television, and a huge church, Cornerstone. Through his TV and sermons, he lies against Islam throughout the United States, such as:

The United States are at war with Islam. If the United States loses, the world map will change. The world's 200 million extremists want to kill Muslims, Christians and Jews. An attack on Iran is necessary to save Western civilization.

Pat Robertson, an 81-year-old religious leader, is a well-known Zionist Christian leader. He is the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Regent University and the American Center for Law and Justice. The latter was set up by Pete to defend the American Civil Liberties Union.

The organization calls itself a defender of religious freedom. But it has filed a lawsuit against the construction of the Park 51 Islamic Center. Thus the minority was deprived of religious freedom. Pete Robertson often attacks Islam and Muslims in talk shows and in his religious sermons.

Ralph Reid is the son of 50-year-old religious leader Pete Robertson. He later split over differences and formed his own organization, the Faith and Freedom Coalition. It seeks to unite other conservative organizations and parties, such as the Tea Party, to form a powerful Christian bloc. The point is that this bloc can then form the US government and play a significant role in shaping national and global policies. It also claims that Sharia law is slowly taking over the United States.

Franklin Graham is the son of the famous American evangelist, Billy Graham, who popularized Zionist Christianity in the West. Billy Graham, a 59-year-old religious leader is the CEO of the Evangelical Association and a Christian charity, Smartin Purse. After the 9/11 accident, it declared Islam to be a satanic religion. It still often attacks Islamists. It claims that Muslim Brotherhood activists have entered the Obama administration.

A key player in the media, the media has a special role to play in inciting anti-Islamic sentiment in the United States. Unfortunately, the Islamophobia Network has access to some of the most important pieces of the American media, through which hate speech reaches millions of Americans.

These seals include TV networks, magazines, radio stations, newspapers, websites, and blogs. Below is an introduction to the key players: Focus News Network This is one of the largest news networks in the United States. It is owned by the infamous Reporter Murdoch.
It constantly spews poison against Islam and Muslims through its TV shows and news programs. Extremist American leaders regularly attend these events. Its website also contains anti-Islamic material.

National Review is a popular fortnightly magazine for conservative Americans. It was founded in 1955 by William Balke, an influential Christian leader. It also periodically publishes anti-Islamic articles. Apps is a regular contributor to magazines. Its website is also popular with conservatives.

Radio Talk Shows Radio talk shows are still very popular in rural America, where journalists and intellectuals discuss a variety of topics. Some of them are also anti-Islamic. The most famous of these talk shows is "Rush Limbog Show".

The talk show airs on 600 radio stations across the United States and is listened to by 1.5 million Americans. It was through this talk show that the rumor spread that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Look at the effect of the show that millions of Americans accepted this rumor. Unfortunately, the Rush Lambog show is the most popular radio show in the United States.

Another popular show, The Sean Hannity Show, also spreads anti-Muslim propaganda. The presenter also hosts a cable TV cake program on 69-year-old Sen. Hannibal Fox News. Its radio show is listened to by 90 million Americans. It is known for its anti-Islamic rhetoric.

Other radio talk shows affiliated with the Islamophobia Network include The Sewage Nation and The Glenbeck. Four hundred American radio stations broadcast them. These are the favorite programs of 500,000 Americans.

Their job is to spread hatred and lies against Islam so that ordinary Americans also hate religion. Glenbeck, in particular, is a prominent enemy of Muslims.

The Washington Times was published by Sun Myung Moon, an American religious leader and founder of the Unification Church. It also often hides from anti-Islamic articles. It doesn't get much publicity, but Fox News, radio talk shows, and other Islamophobic network players spread the Washington Times' false news to make it popular. Its website is also very dynamic.

The Christian Broadcasting Network is the second-largest American conservative TV network, commonly known as the CBN. It was founded by Pat Robertson, a religious leader. It also incites Americans against Islam and Muslims through its programs. Leaders of the Islamophobia Network attend its programs regularly.

David Horowitz Freedom Center is a think tank that publishes two online magazines, FrontPage Magazine and Jihad Watch. It was founded by 62-year-old David Horowitz, who founded the company in 1988. According to independent US experts, the organization is at the forefront of spreading false ideas against other religions, especially Islam. Anders Breivik also mentions David in his manifesto.

Atlas Shargs This is Pamela Geller's popular anti-Islamic blog. Pamela was an Associate Publisher for The New Yorker Observer from 1989 to 1996. Then she went home to raise four children but after 9 years she came down against Islam and is now very active. The name of this blog is derived from the philosopher, Austin Rand's novel, Atlas Schrigz, which promotes the freedom that parents have to be free.

The Celeron Fund is a New York-based nonprofit. It was founded by a Jew, Raphael Shore, a film producer by profession. The company is known for making anti-Islamic documentaries. The lies that anti-Islamic politicians create about Islamophobia network Islam are also accepted by the American people because some important members of Congress and politicians call them "truths" and "facts." presenting.

The following is a brief introduction of the prominent members: Peter King, a ten-time member of the House of Representatives and chairman of the Select Committee on Homeland Security. Many years ago it supported "terrorism" when members of the Irish Republican Army were carrying out the same act.

King then said, "This is the legal force of freedom that is being fought against Britain." But today the Muslims fighting against the colonial powers have become terrorists in his eyes. King often introduces defamatory bills against Islam and Muslims in the House.

So Mirek has been elected to the House of Representatives eight times from Charlotte, North Carolina. It also increasingly participates in anti-Muslim arguments in the House. Michelle Bachmann is the T-Party's representative in the House. Islam and Muslims are often slandered. It wants an atomic bomb dropped on Iran. Islamophobia highlights the network's propaganda.

Last but not least, there are at least 2600,000 Muslims in the United States. In the next twenty years, their number will reach 6200,000. It is as if they will gain the status of a strong community. Most of these Muslims are peace-loving, hardworking, and sincere.

They sincerely want the good of America wherever they live. However, some Muslims want to force their views on others. It is important to differentiate between these two Muslim classes, but the Islamophobia network proves all Muslims to be terrorists and violent. However, the winds of change are blowing in the United States.
The reason is that many Americans are still not anti-Muslim or anti-Islamic. It is simply the Americans, influenced by the poisonous propaganda of the Islamophobia Network, who travel across the United States to hold anti-Islamic demonstrations. This gives the impression to others that all Americans are anti-Islamic, even though there is no truth in it.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently took a stand against the Islamophobia Network, even though he belongs to the Republican Party. He appointed a Muslim, Sohail Muhammad, as a superior court judge, so the anti-Islamic group followed him. But the governor said, "The campaign against Sohail Muhammad is based on misunderstandings and ignorance." So on July 26,2011 Sohail was sworn in as a judge.

Consider the case of Herman Kane, a Republican who wants to run for president in 2012. Six months ago, this famous American politician was an "icon" of the Islamophobia Network. His motto was to ridicule Islam and Muslims, but when he launched his candidacy campaign, it was revealed that thousands of Americans were afraid of Kane's extremist ideology. He also dislikes the fact that he targets Muslims in an immoral way.

The revelation opened Herman Kane's eyes. Then she remembered the lessons of religious freedom, justice, and human rights that the founders of America had taught their nation and which she was forgetting. Kane then publicly expressed remorse for the Muslims and turned his back on his earlier statements. At one time, Kane called for the destruction of all mosques in the United States, but in July, the same Kane visited a mosque in northern Virginia, where he embraced Imam Muhammad.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood Muslims," ​​he told reporters. The fact is that Christianity and Islam share many values ​​and traditions. The majority of American Muslims are pacifists and patriots and cannot stand with a few stray Muslims. "

It is hoped that American politicians will gradually come to terms with the fact that it is US colonial global policies that have forced Muslims to take up arms.

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