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World Days celebrated jointly
In the present age of scientific progress, man is so engrossed in mechanical life that he does not even remember what day it is today or what date it is. If the people of the world were to enjoy all the days or dates in the same way, then we would all have a double life. That is why the United Nations and other organizations and institutions make every effort to highlight the importance of specific dates each year so that people around the world can look at the world situation with that particular day or historical background in mind. So that this world is beautiful and habitable for everyone. World Day is celebrated all over the world and is a great reminder of those days, occasions, ideas, or things that were overlooked. What do these days make us feel, think, think, and act? This article has been researched and researched.
January 31: World Leprosy Day
This day is celebrated all over the world as World Leprosy Day
Is celebrated. The purpose of this day is to draw people's attention to the incurable disease of leprosy as well as to make them realize that there is a need to create some awareness among the people about the treatment of leprosy. Because of this need, the celebration of World Leprosy Day began in 1952.
February 22: International Scouting Day
The International Day of the Scouts or Scout Movement is celebrated on this date. The Scout movement was started by Lord Baden-Powell of Gloucester in 1907 by setting up the first Boy Scout Camp for a group of twenty boys on the British island of Brown Sea. The purpose of this day is to promote and raise awareness among young people, especially students, about positive Scouting activities.
February 22: World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day was first celebrated in 1926 at the Fourth Girl Guide International Conference in the United States. The people at the conference decided that there should be a special day when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world could thank and appreciate each other. And then February 22 was finally chosen. There was a reason to choose this day. It was the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell (founder of the Boy Scout Movement) and his wife, Olivia (World Chief Guide). So every year on February 22, we celebrate the day of thinking. And a title is suggested to celebrate this thought.
February 21: International Mother Language Day
Migration and settlement of different civilizations in human society led to the unification of civilizations on the one hand, and on the other hand, this integration gradually led to the demise of many civilizations. Which also had an effect on the languages ​​spoken there. That is why 516 of the 6912 languages ​​spoken in the world have become extinct. The importance of mother tongues is diminishing with the modernization of the times and the increasing use of official languages. The most widely used language in the world is Chinese, while the most widely used language is English. In Pakistan, Punjabi is spoken by 48% and Urdu by 8%. English is the most widely used language at the official level.
March 8: International Women's Day
International Women's Day is celebrated around the world every year to focus on women's rights in the social, economic , and political spheres. The day was announced in 1975 on the recommendation of the International Conference of the International Year of Women in Mexico City.
February 20: International Day of Social Justice
The day aims to highlight the steps taken by the international community to eradicate poverty and create more and more equal employment opportunities. In November 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring February 20 to be a formal day, and in 2009 it was first observed internationally.
March 3: World Ear Disease and Hearing Care Day
The World Health Organization (WHO) first announced the day in 2013 to raise awareness about ear disease and hearing care. According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O), 642 million people are deaf, of which 275 million are completely deaf. Medical science has declared hearing loss to be a treatable disease.
March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 21 is International Day Against Racial Discrimination under a 1966 resolution of the General Assembly commemorating the massacre of Brian African protesters by police in the South African town of Sharpeville in 1960. ۔
March 21: World Poetry Day
The day aims to pay tribute to the poets' efforts and encourage them to create quality literature. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared March 21 as World Day in 1999. Poetry has a universal status and no art is complete without it.
March 23: World Meteorological Day
On the same date in 1950, the World Meteorological Convention came into being and then the World Meteorological Organization came into being. That is why March 23 is celebrated all over the world as World Meteorological Day.
March 27: World Theater Day
March 27 is World Theater Day. Everyone knows that theater is considered to be the most difficult and the best genre of the fine arts. The pleasure of performing live in front of an audience is known only to the artist who makes people clap with his best performances.
April 7: World Health Day
This is the same day in 1948 when the World Health Organization came into being. Every year all over the world celebrates this day under a special theme of health.
April 29: World Dance Day
World Dance Day was launched on April 29, 1982 by the International Dance Committee. The purpose of celebrating this day is to acquaint the common people with dance and also to make them aware of the important role of dance in human life. There is no denying that dance is performed to celebrate one's happiness to the fullest. There are traditional dances of all four provinces of Pakistan.
May 1: International Workers' Day
This is a day to demand workers' rights. Which is celebrated internationally. In May 1886, workers in Chicago, USA, joined the collective struggle against the cruel and inhumane treatment of their employers.
May 17: World Communications and Information Technology Day
This day is called World Telecommunication Day because the first World Telegraphic Convention was held in Paris on this day in 1865. Twenty countries participated in it and the basic rules and regulations of telecommunication were laid down.
May 12: World Nursing Day
This day commemorates the long service of Florence Nightingale, the founder of nursing. Nurses' Week is celebrated around the world from May 6 to May 12. The International Council of Nurses has been celebrating this day every year since 1965. In 1974, it was officially announced that May 12 would be International Nurses' Day.
June 5: World Environment Day
This day marks the opening day of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972, to address issues related to the protection of the human environment, air pollution, and other threats to the Earth. Celebrated as an atmosphere.
June 6: International Russian Language Day
World Russian Language Day is celebrated under the auspices of the United Nations. The United Nations has decided to celebrate Russian Language Day on the birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), about 260 million people worldwide now speak Russian. This language presented such novels and literature. Which had a lasting and far-reaching impact on world literature? The great Russian poets Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Tolstoy, Antanov, and the novelists Leota Lusty, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Chekhov, and Maxim Goreky made profound impressions on world literature.
June 17: International Day to Protect Arable Land from Barrenness
Every day is celebrated all over the world, including Pakistan, to save arable land from becoming barren. The United Nations decided to observe this day on December 17, 1994, and it has been observed since that day.
June 21: International Father's Day
Father's Day is celebrated all over the world, including Pakistan, on the third Sunday of June. The purpose of celebrating this day is to create awareness for the children about the sacrifices, the compassion of the father and to highlight the greatness of the father.
June 23: International Public Service Day
Public Service Day is celebrated all over the world, including Pakistan. UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 57/277 on December 20, 2002. Under which it was decided to celebrate Public Service Day on June 23 every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to highlight the need and importance of the role of government employees in the process of good governance and development.
April 24: World Laboratory Animal Day
World Animal Day, used for scientific research, is celebrated on April 24. The aim is to raise awareness about the plight of millions of animals in the name of science. The facts about the animals affected by the research process are being kept secret. Most people are unaware of the types of animals used in this process and their numbers. Because people don't know how to do it. Medicines are made for animals as well as humans in the light of the information obtained from experiments on different animals.
July 1: International Day of Mutual Aid
This day is celebrated on the first Saturday of July every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to create awareness among the people about mutual aid and to promote mutual cooperation and assistance to accelerate socio-economic development around the world and overcome the economic crisis. Is.
July 2: World Space Day
Space Creatures Day is celebrated all over the world including Pakistan. On a stormy night on July 2, 1947, many people in the American town of Ro Zweil saw something flying in the sky. When it reached the US government, people were told that these were pieces of metal that were actually weather bubbles. Retired Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved in the investigation of the accident 30 years later, said the pieces of metal belonged to another world.
July 25: International Parents' Day
The purpose of this day is to pay tribute to the parents who have brought up their children better. Parents' Day began in 1992 when the US Congress passed a bill.
July 30: International Friendship Day
The purpose of celebrating World Friendship Day is to promote a culture of peace through friendly relations. In 2011, the United Nations marked the day with the determination that friendship between peoples, countries, and different cultures could promote peace efforts. And matters between different nationalities can be settled.
August 9: International Day of the Indigenous People
August 9 is International Indigenous Day celebrated all over the world, including Pakistan. Last year in 2013, the theme of this day was unity among the ancient natives. The United Nations General Assembly decided in December 1994 to mark the decade from 1995 to 2004 as the International Day of the Indigenous People. The purpose of celebrating this day is to highlight the role of the ancient inhabitants in the treaties and relations between the states.
August 9: International Day of the Needy
August 9 is International Day of the Needy around the world, including in Pakistan. The purpose of celebrating this day is to take steps to protect and care for the rights of the needy around the world. World Day of the Needy began in 1994 with the adoption of a resolution during the UN General Assembly.
August 19: World Humanitarian Day
For the first time in history, August 19 is World Humanitarian Day. The day was approved by the UN General Assembly at a key session in 2008. After which special measures were taken at the level of the United Nations and all member countries to celebrate the day.
August 29: World Day Against Nuclear Tests
The first International Day Against Nuclear Tests were observed on August 29, 2010. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to the extent to which decades of nuclear tests have harmed people and the environment. Kazakhstan proposed celebrating the day. Sixty-one years ago, the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear test on the continent.
August 30: International Day of the Missing Persons
August 30 is International Day of the Missing Persons and Secret Detainees around the world, including in Pakistan. The day was first observed in 1981 in the Latin American country of Starika by an organization working against secret detention. After which this day is celebrated on August 30 every year.
September 8: World Literacy Day
The purpose of celebrating this day is to secure the future of children in particular by increasing their literacy rate. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) decided to observe World Literacy Day on November 17, 1965, and this day was observed for the first time in 1966. According to a UNESCO report, one in five out of 796 million adults worldwide is illiterate at present, while 67.4 million children do not go to school.
September 21: International Day of Peace
According to a resolution of the General Assembly in November 1981, the third Tuesday of September is celebrated every year as the International Day of Peace. It focuses on strengthening the concept of peace between governments and nations.
October 1: International Day of the Elderly
The purpose of this day is to draw attention to the rights of the elderly and to educate the public about the care of the elderly and their rights. The United Nations General Assembly declared December 14, 1990, to be the International Day of the Elderly, and resolutions were passed in 1991 and 2002.
October: International Children's Day
The day was first proposed by an NGO, the International Union for the Welfare of Children, in 1952, and was first observed in October 1953 in 40 countries. In 1954, the United Nations passed a resolution to commemorate the day. Due to which the purpose of celebrating this day is for children

Remind adults for well-being. So that they dedicate themselves to protecting the rights of children and working for their happiness and well-being. This day is celebrated on the first Monday of October every year.
October 9: International Postal Day
On this day in 1874, a conference on international mail was held in Bern, Switzerland. In which the organization called "General Postal Union" was founded. The treaty was ratified by 22 countries and entered into force on July 1, 1875. The Union became a specialized agency of the United Nations on July 1, 1948. It aims to improve postal delivery and improve the postal system in all countries.
October 11: International Girls' Day
October 11 is International Girls' Day around the world, including in Pakistan. These days, due to the incidents of rape of innocent girls, girls have become more demanding. The history of child abuse is as old as time. The story of her determination in the form of a woman has also left such an indelible impression.
October 15: World Vision Day
October 15 is celebrated around the world as International Day of the Blind. This day is also called the day of the white cane. Celebrated every year under the auspices of the International Federation of the Blind. The purpose of celebrating this day is to make the society aware of the problems and difficulties of the visually impaired. So that the education and training of these people and their employment and their security can be properly arranged.
October 16: World Food Day
UN member states mark World Food Day to raise public awareness of the global food crisis and to strengthen unity in the fight against hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. On October 16, 1945, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) adopted a resolution on November 28, 1979, to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
October 20: International Air Traffic Control Day
October 20 is the International Day of Air Traffic Controllers, which controls air traffic around the world, including Pakistan. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the importance of air traffic controllers during air travel. Celebrations in honor of the Air Traffic Controllers are held at airports around the world to mark the day.
October 24: World Development Awareness Day
October 24 is a day of information and information on development work around the world, including in Pakistan. The purpose of this celebration is to raise awareness about the problems faced in the development works and to draw the attention of the public opinion to the need and importance of international cooperation in this regard.
October 24:
United Nations World Day Every member state celebrates this day as "United Nations Day" every year to commemorate the anniversary of the enactment of the United Nations Charter in 1945. The goal is to introduce people around the world to the goals and achievements of the United Nations. And then get their support for the work of this global organization.
November 17: International Students' Day
International Students' Day is celebrated on November 17 every year in Pakistan and around the world. The day is commemorated on November 17, 1939, in the streets of the capital, Prague, by students resisting the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. This day has been celebrated ever since.
November 21: World Television Day
World TV Day is celebrated on November 21 all over the world including Pakistan. Television is a Latin word that literally means to watch from afar. For the first time in the early eighteenth century, images were used to express emotions through fax machines. And this invention came in the form of TV in 1926, invented by John Logie Baird from Scotland. Since the early 1930s, television has become an important source of information.
November 21: World Fisheries and Fisheries Day
November 21 is World Fisheries and Fisheries Day, including in Pakistan. The aim is to highlight the various problems facing fishermen and to review measures to find solutions to their problems. A large number of fishermen live in Sindh۔Those who need to be informed about the appropriateness of the day so that they can better engage with this sector.
February 8: International Wedding Day
This day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of February as "International Wedding Day" with renewed love all over the world including Pakistan. The purpose of celebrating International Wedding Day is to acknowledge this. That husband and wife are not only the head of the family. Rather, they are the basic unit of society.
November 29: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
The International Day of Unity and Solidarity with the Palestinian People is celebrated by all member states under a resolution of the General Assembly dated December 2, 1977.
December 1: World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1 all over the world, including Pakistan. World AIDS Day was first observed around the world in 1987. According to the World Health Organization, more than 33 million people worldwide are infected with the HIV virus, including more than two million children.
December 10: International Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is celebrated around the world every year to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Manifesto was approved by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948. In 1950, the General Assembly invited all member states and relevant bodies to observe this day as International Human Rights Day.

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