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The Relaxation Time


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Bertrand Russell (1872 and 1970 AD) is a prominent philosopher of the Western world. He says: 
"Extremism in any form is harmful to society." This rationale applies to all human societies on earth.

Ironically, after the 9/11 attacks, the Western media linked extremism only to Islam and Muslims. Even the liberation movements in Occupied Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Burma, and the Philippines have been equated with terrorism.

It is now being rumored that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the Afghan Taliban, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, etc. are symbols of extremism. The Western media regularly publishes articles on Islamic extremism in various Muslim countries, from Indonesia to Mauritania and Nigeria, and presents it to the public.

Interestingly, religious extremism originated in European countries and the United States, which are engaged in the defeat of the Islamic world today. The history of this Western extremism is three hundred years old. Its architects are Christian pastors who wanted to spread Christianity around the world. Notable among them are the German Philipp Spinner (1635 and 17070 AD) and August Hermann Frank (1633 and 1727 AD).

The teachings of the above German clergy gave rise to the Evangelicalism movement in the West. The followers of this movement became active in spreading Christianity in the world. He founded missionary societies and visited India, Indonesia, Muslim African countries, etc. in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Gradually, the evangelical movement gave birth to Christian organizations, especially those with radical religious views. One of the main theories of these organizations is that when the Temple of Solomon is built in place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, then Jesus will descend on the planet. Therefore, these American religious organizations do everything possible to help the Israeli government to pave the way for the martyrdom of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The book "American Theocracy" by Kevin Phillips, a well-known American thinker, and journalist, was published in 2006. In it, Kevin details how American religious extremists joined forces with the "oil lobby" to invade Iraq in 2003. Extremist organizations in the United States are called Dispensationalists, Christian Zionists, Pentecostalism, etc. These extremist organizations have their own hundreds of TV networks, newspapers, and magazines through which they spread their ideas and ideas to the American and European public. Do After the 9/11 incident, her activities intensified and she started spewing poison against Islam and Muslims.

Surprisingly, the Western media publishes very little news and articles about him. Sometimes a communist magazine or newspaper publishes an eye-opening report on the activities of extremist organizations and their leaders. The reason why they are not prominent in the Western media is that these organizations are very influential in American society. Almost every American media company owner or top official is a member of one or another extremist organization. These organizations even play an important role in shaping the policies of the US government.

That is why there is no article against him in the American and Western media. Furthermore, the Western media does not cover the extremist tendencies that have arisen in Europe and the United States in any way so that the world's attention is focused on Islam and Muslims. Published. It was about an organization called The Gathering. The article reveals that this is the name of the annual gathering or event of American companies, organizations, and social organizations that promote extremist Christian ideas around the world.

On the occasion of "The Gathering", it is seen that the plans for the promotion of ideas are in progress and how much they have benefited. In the same collection, donations are also collected to start more projects. The value of this donation usually reaches one billion dollars (one trillion rupees).
One billion dollars is not a small amount! Thanks to this huge amount of money, extremist groups in the United States from time to time launch various movements against Islam and Muslims and try hard to defame them.

The Gathering was founded in 1985 by leaders of The Family, a secret organization of American extremists, also known as The Fellowship. Until 2008, it was the most influential Christian organization in the US government. It was founded in 1935 AD.

A special event called "National Prayer Breakfast" has been organized under the auspices of the same organization since 1953. The event is actually a collection of meetings, dinners, and dinners attended by top American politicians, industrialists, businessmen, and international guests. The President of the United States also attends a single dinner. "The Family" avoids publicity. Its members are also mysterious.

However in 2008, a book entitled "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Art of American Power" revealed the organization's origins and activities. The book is written by American journalist Jeff Charlotte. The Family; a mysterious organization The above book reveals for the first time that the owners of many American corporations and multinational companies and members of parliament (Senate and House of Representatives) "The Family" Are members of His goal is for the US government to become aware of Christianity and to spread the religion around the world. Following the publication of the book, the religious organization became even more secretive.

Because of The Family's influence, extremist organizations also receive large sums of money from various US government social programs, such as USAID, PEPFA, and other multi-million dollar programs.

Remember, because of the propaganda of these extremist organizations, prejudice against Islam and Muslims are growing in America. Due to their large capital, they carry out extensive propaganda campaigns mocking Islam. But the American media never exposes their hateful and dangerous campaigns. That is why the average American knows a lot about ISIS and al-Qaeda, but he is not aware of the scourge of extremism that surrounds him.

There is a famous saying: if a lie is repeated again and again, then it becomes true. The same thing happened in American society that so-called Islamic extremism was so widely discussed that ordinary Americans believed it to be true.

Islamic extremism is, in fact, the persecution that Western colonialism has been inflicting on Muslims for the last three hundred years. Although it began with the Crusades, when Christian rulers occupied Spain, they broke down mountains of oppression on Andalusian Muslims. Later, Dutch, Spanish, British, and Italian colonies invaded Islamic countries and enslaved Muslims until the twentieth century.

In the twentieth-century, many Muslim countries gained independence, but the ruling class there continued to lash out at Western colonialism. That is why the Islamic world, despite having the resources and power, could not stop the oppression of non-Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, Chechnya, Philippines, Burma, Turkestan, etc., and they continued to paint their hands with the blood of Muslims.
Against this massacre, the new generation of Muslims started a jihad against Western colonialism thirty or forty years ago.

However, for various reasons, many Islamic jihadist organizations became so extremist that they even started fighting their own governments in Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Uzbekistan, etc. Anti-Muslim forces took advantage of this civil war. They recruited their agents into Islamic organizations so that they would never let the fires of civil war cool down. Today, many Islamic countries, from Libya and Nigeria to Pakistan and Afghanistan, are the victims of killings and riots.

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