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The Relaxation Time


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Hook knock, knock; yes, this heartbeat is proof that man is alive. When it stops, even human beings fall to the ground. The heart and the brain are the two most important organs in the human body. If the heart remains healthy, then the body while the mind remains healthy, then the soul remains strong. Therefore, it is the duty of every sentient being to protect his heart well.


Below are 49 heart care prescriptions that are the culmination of hundreds of years of expert research and experience. If they are practiced sincerely, you can live a long life

(1) Avoid cigarette smoke.

American doctors have found that men who are exposed to cigarette smoke for 30 minutes three times a week have a 26 percent increased risk of heart disease. So never sit in a cigarette smoke environment.

(2) Eat red meat.

It is useful to eat red meat in moderation. The reason is that red meat contains the mineral element, which strengthens the immune system, and also the vitamins that keep the level of homolytin in the human body low. Increasing the rate of this protein is dangerous for the heart. In addition, 50% of red meat fat belongs to the heart-friendly mono-unsaturated variety.

(3) Watch the scary movie.

Doctors say that even if Josh raises his heart rate, it makes him stronger. For example, watching a horror movie, reading a good book, playing cricket or falling in love. In fact, whenever the heart beats fast, it is equivalent to resetting the heartbeat. This improves its performance.

(4) Do not exercise in the dust;

Exercising in a polluted environment reduces oxygen in the blood. In this case, the chances of heartburn are increased.

(5) Dive into the pool.

British experts have found that men who burn just 50 calories from strenuous physical activity, such as swimming or hiking, have a 62% lower risk of dying from heart disease. However, light exercise such as walking or playing golf does not help.

(6) Compare cholesterol with fat.

In one experiment, Australian experts fed 17 men nuts for three months. When they were tested in the fourth month, men were found to have 3 to 5 percent lower cholesterol. This is because nuts are high in monounsaturated fats.

(7) Get rid of depression by cycling.

Medical science has discovered that people who suffer from depression are more likely to develop heart disease sooner than others. Many men try to get rid of depression by taking medicine. But modern research has revealed that the best way to do any exercise, such as cycling or playing badminton. The reason is that in one experiment, the same effects of medication and exercise were found on depressed men three months later.

(8) Meditate for 20 minutes daily.

People with heart disease, in particular, spend only 20 minutes a day meditating. This spiritual practice calms man by relieving him of anxiety and restlessness. Cardiologists say that heart patients who suffer from depression die faster than others.

(9) Buy a punching bag.

Researchers at Harvard University have found that men who vent their anger are less likely to develop heart disease. While repressed anger carries the heart.

(10) Take aspirin.

American and British experts have found aspirin to be useful in relieving heart disease. The reason is that it lowers blood pressure. Experiments have shown that men who take this medicine regularly have a healthy heart. Take effective aspirin at night before going to bed for effective benefits.

(11) Find cranberry juice.

In an experiment, American experts fed a fat man with cranberry juice for a month. They reduced bad (HDL) cholesterol by 10%. This reduction reduces the risk of heart attack by 40%. So if the pocket allows, then you must use the juice. It is considered a "superfood" in the United States.

(12) Make sure you have breakfast in the morning.

Modern research has shown that people who eat breakfast in the morning do not usually gain weight. They also do not develop insulin resistance. Two disorders play an important role in causing heart disease. So make it a habit to have breakfast in the morning.

(13) Include folic acid in the diet.

Folic acid is a type of vitamin. These organisms are used to make new cells. Experts say that men who take the required amount of it are less likely to suffer from heart disease. So include folic acid-rich foods in your daily diet. It is found in beef liver, greens, rice, cabbage and beans. The daily requirement of children is 200 while that of adults is 400 mcg (microgram).

(14) Climb the stairs.

An experiment has shown that people who walk 4,000 to 5,000 steps a day have normal blood pressure. That way, they don't suffer from heart disease.

(15) Eat leafy vegetables.

Vegetables and egg yolks contain a healthy chemical, lutein. This substance delivers antioxidants that protect the heart from disease to cells and tissues.

(16) Use proven grains.

U.S. researchers have found that eating whole grains reduces the risk of developing heart disease by up to 20%.


(17) Take more tea.

The American Heart Association recommends two cups of tea a day. That's how heart disease doesn't stick. The reason is that tea contains flavonoids. These compounds not only relieve tension in the arteries but also dilute the blood. In this way, lumps do not form in the ducts.

(18) Check BP (blood pressure) after exercise.

Checking in this world will have high scores. But in this way, the overall state of health is also known. If this check is done by a doctor, it is much better.

(19) It is important to avoid caffeine.

Drinks containing this substance increases blood pressure in humans. The heart rate usually doubles per minute. This condition is enough to take a person with heart disease to the "danger zone".

(20) Be a friends and make friends.

Friendship is a great blessing of nature. Now it has also proved to be medically useful. Experts say that a single person cannot cope properly with "depression" and soon develops heart disease. But men with friends manage to get rid of anxiety and restlessness.

(21) Choose dark chocolate.

Like tea, coca contains blood-thinning flavonoids. Also, one-third of chocolate contains oleic acid. The same useful monounsaturated fat is found in olive oil. Remember, however, that flavonoids are found in dark chocolate.

(22) Take out the salt.

If you are overweight, never use salt. Otherwise, the risk of dying from a heart disease will increase.

(23) Keep the relationship with Begum pleasant.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina in the United States have found that holding a partner's hand for just ten minutes during stressful moments can help lower blood pressure and pulse rate.

(24) Eat moderate amounts of tomato sauce.

Tomatoes contain lycopene. It prevents cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels. So use moderate amounts of pure tomato sauce.

(25) Take the required amount of B vitamins daily.

Modern medicine has discovered that people with low levels of vitamin B in their diet are more likely to develop heart disease.

(26) Be attracted to fish.

Fish contain one substance, omega-3. It strengthens the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure, and prevents blood clots from forming. It also prevents fatal inflammation in the body. In addition, fish provides protein.

(27) Eat flax seeds.

Men who do not eat fish should include flax seeds in their diet. They are an excellent source of omega-3 nutrients.

(28) Keep diversity while running.

Doctors say that even if a person loses 10 to 15 percent of his weight, then the fat stored in the human body is reduced by 25 to 40 percent, and one way to lose weight is to run. Experiments have now shown that if a person runs fast and sometimes runs slowly, then the weight is reduced faster than running at the same speed.

(29) Boating.

Doctors advise people with heart disease to go boating. It's better than running away. This is because more muscle is used while wrestling. The heart pumps more blood throughout the body, which gives the heart overall health.

(30) Get vaccinated against the flu.

British doctors have found that men who are vaccinated against the flu are more likely to have heart disease than those who do not.

(31) Do not turn away from the water.

Researchers at the University of Lumanda in the United States strongly advise everyone to drink five to six glasses of water a day. This reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 60%; quitting smoking, lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol and losing weight has the same benefits.

(32) Eat grapefruit.

It is the fruit of great work. Eating just one grapefruit a day removes blockages in the blood vessels, lowers bad cholesterol by up to 10%, and keeps blood pressure normal.

(33) Include ginger in the diet.

This natural herb lowers cholesterol and fights allergies. One of its major benefits is that it makes the heart-healthy after a heart attack or operation. Experts have found that animals fed ginger daily have more heart-protecting antioxidants than others.

(34) Take chromium.

Men who are low in chromium in their diet are more likely to develop heart disease sooner than others. Adults need 200 to 400 micrograms of chromium per day and usually do not get this amount from food. Therefore, those who are heart patients should take this mineral with medicine. Doctors say that multivitamin lenses contain chromium picolinate. This synthetic type of chromium is easily absorbed by the human body.

(35) Getting up will come in handy.

Canadian experts, after experimenting on 8,000 men, have found out who can get up and down at most in a minute. He has lived 13 years longer than others. The reason is that it keeps the abdominal muscles strong and there is no sign of fat and the less fat there is in the abdomen, the less heart disease there is.

(36) Eat beans.

This blessing of Allah Almighty contains homocysteine-lowering minerals, folate, and cholesterol in the human body. Experts say that men and women who eat beans three or four times a week are less likely to develop heart disease.

(37) Hand wash.

German scientists studied 570 people for three years. From the study, they found that people who had more antibodies to fight diseases developed lumps in the ducts of the heart, neck, and legs. Therefore, pay special attention to your external and internal physical cleanliness. Clearly, anti-inflammatory substances are less likely to be produced due to cleanliness.

(38) Read the book of poetry.

Swiss experts have found that men who read poetry aloud for half an hour a day reduce their mental and physical stress. This process prevents heart disease.

(39) Use honey instead of sugar.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has discovered that honey contains powerful antioxidants. These substances fight heart disease well. On the other hand, regular consumption of sugar reduces the level of good HDL in the human body. This increases the risk of heart disease. So use honey instead of sugar.

(40) Smile.

Harvard University experts have been monitoring the health of 1,300 men for the past 10 years. The study found that adults who are generally happy and have a positive outlook are less likely to develop heart disease.

(41) Do not stop urinating.

Researchers at the University of China conducted different experiments on 100 people with heart disease. One experiment found that people who stopped urinating for long periods of time had a heart rate of nine times per minute, while blood flow shrank by 19%. Both of these actions can cause a heart attack.

(42) Do not cook over high heat.

When food is cooked over a high heat, eating it produces compounds called "advanced glycation and products" in the human body. These compounds reduce cell elasticity and increase the risk of heart disease. So always cook on low heat and stay healthy.

(43) Beware of carbon monoxide at home.

Many household items such as gas heaters, washing machines, dryers, generators, and all gasoline-powered items contain carbon monoxide gas. If for some reason this gas leaks, it kills a person in a few hours. But even the slightest leak of this gas is dangerous to human health. In fact, it builds up in the bloodstream and increases the risk of heart attack. So be careful in the house, this gas is not emitted from anything?

(44) Get enough sleep.

British scientists have been researching the health of 70,000 men and women for ten years. One study found that people who normally get five hours or less of sleep have a significantly higher risk of developing heart disease. One of the reasons for this disorder is that people with sleep deprivation have increased levels of fiber. This protein helps the blood to clot and prevents blood from reaching the heart and brain.

(45) Better to avoid potato chips.

Researchers in the United States monitored the eating habits of 80,000 men for 14 years. The study found that people with the highest incidence of heart disease had trans fatty acids in their diet. This type of fat raises the level of bad HDL cholesterol in the human body while lowering the level of LDL. Trans fatty acids are found in potato chips, french fries, etc. So to avoid heart disease, do not use them.

(46) Extract the teeth.

By the age of 20, "65%" of the male weight must have a wisdom tooth that does not come out properly. Many men consider it harmless and leave it as it is. However, sooner or later the empty space of the intellect becomes a breeding ground for germs. These germs then cause a variety of diseases, including periodontal disease. The disease has been linked to heart disease.

(47) Never deceive your partner.

Doctors in London has discovered that especially husbands who are not loyal to their wives are more likely to have a heart attack while hanging out with their girlfriends. Perhaps their conscience puts a tremendous pressure on their heart and makes it a "case".

(48) Include pumpkin in food.

The seeds of this vegetable are especially rich in magnesium. To keep the heart-healthy, it is important to include at least 420 mg of this mineral in the diet daily. Magnesium deficiency can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and lumps in the arteries.

(49) Change the cooking oil.

Experts in India has discovered from experiments that sesame seeds lower blood pressure. During the experiment, people were given oil made from soles, not corn or vegetable oil, so their high blood pressure returned to normal. So, God willing, if you are suffering from heart disease, use sole oil with the permission of your pocket.

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