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The shocking story of the Jewish religious ideology that led to the martyrdom of the third most beloved and revered site of the Muslim world, the Holy Haram

This is the year 638, the Islamic army conquered the capital of Palestine, Jerusalem. Of this victory evaluate the greatness that the second caliph, Umar bin Khattab himself had gone to Al-Quds Sharif to take the keys of the exquisite city. Historians write that when Caliph Rashid II entered the city, the slave was sitting on a camel because it was his turn to sit. Allah Allah, what a scene it will be that the rulers of the great Islamic empire are holding the reins of the camel. There is an important lesson for today's Islamic rulers in this incident that government and power are for the service of the people and not for the sake of living comfortably!

Caliph Omar Farooq should go straight to this holy place

From where he went to see the glorious manifestations of the Almighty on the Great Throne on the night of Laylat al-Qadr. That mountainous place was polluted with garbage. The second caliph was very sad to see this. He ordered it to be cleaned. Not only this, Caliph Omar Farooq also took part in its cleansing.

When the high place was cleansed, Caliph Rashid II built a mosque on its southern part. Historians write that Jews also took part in the construction of this mosque. The reason is that they considered this place the most religiously sacred.

Accompanied by Caliph Umar Farooq, nine Muslim Companions, Ka'b al-Ihbar also came from Makkah. He was a former Jew. He pointed out the rock from which the blessed horse of the Holy Prophet (saw) had flown. This rock is called "rock" in Arabic. In 691 AD, the Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik built a dome on the same rock. It is now called "Dome of the Rock".
In 715 AD, another Umayyad caliph, Walid I, had a mosque built on the same high ground in Jerusalem. Today this blessed place is called "Al-Aqsa Mosque". In the Islamic world, this high, mountainous place became known as "Haram Sharif".

On December 2018, when US President Donald Trump announced that he was recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the whole world, especially the Islamic world, was shaken. The reason is that due to Isra and the Ascension of the Prophet, the Holy Haram is considered to be the third holiest place in the Islamic world after the Kaaba and the Prophet's Mosque. Under no circumstances can the Muslim world accept that the Haram Sharif, the killer of Muslims, falls into the hands of the Israeli government.

Protests against the US President and the United States began in all Islamic countries over this provocative announcement of Donald Trump. Fortunately, the announcement united all Muslims and they began protesting together against the United States and Israel.
But few people know that this false declaration has a deep religious connection with the Haram Sharif. The story of this relationship is very dramatic and strange. This explains why the enemies of the past, Jews and Christians, gradually became friends. Today, a large sect of Christians has joined forces with the Jews against the Islamic world.

Two Jewish temples

According to historians, the area of ​​Haram Sharif in ancient times was owned by a Canaanite. When the Jews came to Palestine from Egypt under the leadership of Moses, these Canaanites lived in Jerusalem. The Jews bought the site of the Haram from the Canaanites for a pittance.

The Jews then pitched a tent around the rock on the hill of Haram Sharif. Sakina's coffin was placed near the rock in this tent. It is narrated that the Ten Commandments which Allah Almighty had given to Prophet Moses were written on a tablet in the same coffin. Moreover, it became known among the Jews that their God, Jehoah, appeared on the rock.

That is why the rock became the holiest religious site for the Jews. They call it the Holy of Holies. At this place, Solomon built a temple which the Jews call their "first temple, temple or shrine". After the construction of this temple, this mountainous place became known among the Jews as "Har HaBayit".
According to Jewish historians, the first temple was built in 957 BC. It was attacked and damaged by the Egyptians and Assyrians. In 5 BC, the Babylonian army completely destroyed it.

In 538 BC, the famous king of Iran, Cyrus the Great, allowed the Jews to build a "second temple" in the Holy Haram. When the Roman army invaded Jerusalem in 70 CE, it destroyed another Jewish temple.

By this time Jesus (pbuh) had been born and spent his entire life in Jerusalem. When Jesus was born, the Jews had strayed from the right path. Many customs and traditions of pagans and other infidel nations were introduced into them. So when Jesus campaigned against the pagan traditions of the Jews, the Jews became his opponents. Jesus was finally crucified because of Jewish conspiracies.

Christians of that time rightly believed that because of the sins and wrongdoings of the Jews, God destroyed the "second temple" from the Romans. This act was also considered the victory of Christianity over Judaism.

When Christianity was spoken of, some Christians began to express their hatred of the Jews by throwing rubbish in the "Herbivites". Since the Christian kings now ruled, the Jews living in Jerusalem would have been drenched in blood and would not have been able to take any concrete action against them.

In 614 AD, the Iranian army invaded Jerusalem. The Iranians burned several churches and drove all Jews out of Jerusalem. Not only that, but they were also banned from entering the city. It was in this Iranian government that the inhabitants of Jerusalem turned "Herbia" into a dumpster. Now the rubbish of both the Christian subjects and the Iranian ruler began to be thrown here.

Muslims treat Jews and Christians

Around 638 AD, Jerusalem was conquered by the Islamic army. The Jews were then allowed to not only re-enter the city but also to settle down. Caliph Omar Farooq cleaned the "Harhabiyat", cleaned it, and had a wooden mosque built there. So that place became beautiful again and why not? Muslims believe that Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) did not build the first temple there but the first mosque. Then after the ascension of the Prophet, that place became very sacred for the Muslim world. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to offer prayers facing the Holy Haram for a few months.

When the Muslims conquered Jerusalem, they treated all Christians and other nations with respect, but in the future, the pope of the Church of Rome became hostile to the Islamic world in pursuit of political and personal interests. He then incited the Christian world to fight the Muslims. As a result, the Crusades were fought. Whenever the Christians occupied Jerusalem, they would break the oppression of the Muslims living there and shed rivers of blood. The horror stories of this period are preserved in the history books.

The history books also testify that when the Jews were being humiliated in the Christian world, they found refuge in the Islamic world. Jews were treated very well, especially in Andalusia. The Andalusian rulers gave the Jews high positions in their courts and they began to live a life of luxury, but these Jews were forgotten and today they have become enemies of the Muslims. Karen Armstrong, a well-known modern-day Christian author, writes in her book, "Jerusalem One City, Three Religions":

"Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi called back the Jews who had been expelled by the Christians during the Crusades. The Sultan then appointed a Jewish physician as his physician. The oppressed Jews of Europe used to watch the liberation of the Jews living in Muslim Palestine with sadness and amazement.

Interestingly, millions of Christians are now supporting the Jews in their anti-Islamic rhetoric, even though in the past there was a brick-and-mortar feud between them. Religiously, there are still sharp differences between Christianity and Judaism, but they have been pushed back by common Islamophobia.

The deep conspiracy of the Jews

The Jewish-Christian friendship began after the fifteenth century when the Christian world was divided into two major sects; the Catholic Church and the Protestants. The story of this match is very mysterious and dramatic.

It so happened that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Protestants also became several sub-sects. It is possible that some Jews disguised as fake Christians became part of the Protestant sect, especially the Puritans. Nowadays, agents of the Indian intelligence agency, RAW, are hiding in anti-Pakistan organizations such as the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. The goal is to adapt the organization's ideas and thoughts to your liking.

These Protestant Puritan Christians lived in Britain, Ireland, Germany, and France. A large number of them later settled in the United States. These Puritans were the first to spread the idea that Jesus (pbuh) would return to the world in the future, but only on the condition that the Jews settle in Palestine and that a the third temple is built in Jerusalem.

 No Christian denomination has ever had such an idea before, so it is certain that the Jews became fake Christians and spread the idea among the Puritans. The point was to create pro-Jews in the Christian world. This Jewish plan is thriving today.

Now, especially in the United States, millions of Christians have been born who believe in the idea that the "Second Coming" of Jesus to the world will be possible only when the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are martyred. Let the Jews build a third temple there. They believe that some of the words in the Bible reflect this view. Adherents of this ideology are called "Zionist Christians" in American and European Christian terms.

Donald Trump is also secretly a Zionist Christian. That is why he did not object to the marriage of a Jewish daughter. Before he became president of the United States, he used to declare that Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of Israel. The aim was to start preparations for the martyrdom of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock in the Haram Sharif after this stage was completed.

Jesus is a "false prophet."

In all three religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, inherited from the heirs of Abraham, there is the idea that Jesus will descend to earth near the Day of Judgment. They will then confront the Antichrist and kill him. After the massacre, Jesus will establish God's rule over the earth.
But the doctrine of the "revelation of Christ" is different in all three Abrahamic religions. Surprisingly, in Judaism, Jesus is a "false prophet." This fact is not even known to many modern Christians and they are beginning to consider the Jews as their friends. This is perhaps the most astonishing irony of human history.

To the Jews, their coming Messiah must meet certain conditions. These conditions are written in the Jewish religious books. Here are some key conditions:

* He will be from the descendants of David.
 He will build a third temple in Jerusalem at the site of Harhabiyat.
* When he becomes king, all the nations of the world will become his followers.
 Upon his arrival, all the people of the world will begin to worship the God of the Jews (Yahweh).
٭ The Jewish nation will find peace, joy, and happiness,
* The nations that have persecuted the Jews will realize their oppression.

Jesus (pbuh) has been fighting the Jews all his life, that is why the Jews call him a "false prophet". Jesus once addressed the Jews as "you fools and blind people". (Matthew 18: 23). On one occasion he said to them, “O Sanpo! O children of Al-Aqsa! How will you escape the punishment of Hell? ”(Matthew 23, verse 23) The purpose of the Messiah of the Jews is very different from that of Jesus of the Christians and Muslims. The fact is that there is more similarity between Muslims and Christians in this regard.

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty has declared: “And verily, they (Jesus) will be a sign of the Hour when they descend from heaven. So do not doubt it and follow me. This is the straight path. " (Surat al-Zukhruf: 61) According to this verse, the revelation of Jesus is a great sign of the Hour.
According to Islamic tradition, when a war breaks out between Mahdi (pbuh) and the Antichrist (false prophet), Allah Almighty will send down Jesus (pbuh) for the glory of Islam. They will join the ongoing war against the Antichrist. They will then blow up the head of the Antichrist. Then both the Jews and the Christians will begin to consider Jesus as the Prophet of God Almighty. ؑ Muslims will be revealed as prophets.

There is also an authentic hadith about the revelation of Christ. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He will be a just ruler. They will break the cross and kill the pigs. There will be so much money in his government that there will be no one to take charity. (Sahih Bukhari, Book III, Hadith No. 656)

The idea that Jesus will descend to earth again near the Day of Judgment is also popular in the Catholic Church. However, the majority of Protestants associate the descent of Christ with the condition that Jesus will descend when the Jews build the third temple in the Holy Haram. That is why Protestants around the world are in favor of the occupation of Jerusalem by the Israeli government. In this way, the Israelis will be able to build the third temple by martyring the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock under some pretext.

Importance of Haram Sharif in Judaism

It should be noted that the hilly or elevated area of ​​Haram Sharif is spread over an area of ​​about 38 acres. It is 740 meters (2328 feet) above sea level. As mentioned earlier, this is the holiest place in Judaism. Wherever Jews around the world are, they worship and recite prayers facing all religions. Just like Muslims pray facing the Kaaba.

Consider the importance of the sanctity of this place in Judaism as many Jews avoid walking in the Haram (ie the Holy Haram). They think that if they go to the place of Yahweh (Jewish God) in ignorance, it will be a disgrace.

According to Jewish tradition, every Habitat is the place from which the spread of the human population began. This is the place from which God took clay and made Adam's khaki thin. Furthermore, this is the place where Abraham laid his son Isaac on the altar so that they could sacrifice him. But God sent a ram to be sacrificed in their place.

Now listen to the story of the third Jewish temple. According to Jewish tradition, the construction of this temple is the religious duty of every Jew. Not only that, every Jew prays three times a day for Jehovah to help them build the third temple. This prayer is called "Amidah".

According to Jewish scholars, the design of the third temple is contained in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel. The Jews of Israel are planning to build a third temple in the Holy Haram according to the same design. The Dome of the Rock must be martyred. Obviously, Muslims will not allow the Israeli Jewish world to take such a step. If the Israeli government demolishes a brick of the Al-Aqsa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock, World War III could break out.

Promoting Zionism

The Zionist movement was tainted in the 19th century. It was founded by European Jews so that the Jewish state of Israel could be established in Palestine. The biggest supporters of this Zionist movement in Europe and America were the Protestant clergy. Due to the influence and pressure of these clergy, powerful ministerial advisers in the British and American governments also became supporters of the Zionist movement.

Dr. Lorenzo Camille is affiliated with Harvard University's Center for Middle Eastern Studies. He has authored an authoritative English book, Imperial Perception of Palestine, on the history of the Palestinian territories. In this book, Dr. Lorenzo writes:

Protestant clergy in Europe and the United States wrote more than a thousand books from 1830 to the early 20th century. They promoted the idea that the return of the Jews to Palestine and the construction of a third temple were necessary. In these books, the Arabs living in Palestine are mentioned in a cursory manner as if they have no significance at all.

It was through these books that the idea spread in the Christian world that the establishment of the state of Israel would fulfill a Bible prophecy. Thus, every biblical Christian, especially a devout Christian, has made it his religious duty to resettle the Jews in Palestine.

Dr. Lorenzo also wrote in his revealing book that the Palestine Exploration Fund, a British institution, played a very active role in spreading the ideas of Christian Zionism. The institute was set up in London in 1856 by the British Crown Prince. Archaeologists affiliated with the institute have begun excavating in Palestine in order to substantiate biblical predictions. In their books, these British scholars have portrayed Palestinian Arabs as generally ignorant and arrogant.

European and American Protestant clergy and British archaeologists created a biblical fictional Israel. Now, especially in Britain and the United States, a common Protestant Christian is deeply influenced by the ideology of Zionism. Every year, thousands of Christians from these two countries travel to Palestine to visit Jerusalem and other biblical sites in Palestine, which were occupied by Britain during World War I.

This is how "religious tourism" came into being in the Western world. It was invented by Thomas Cook, the British founder of modern travel agencies. The first business he set up to open a travel agency was to send 50 tourists to Jerusalem.

In the twentieth-century, high-speed media such as radio, television, and finally the Internet was invented, and the ideas of Christian Zionism spread from house to house, especially in the United States. Protestant clergy began to dramatically promote these ideas on TV channels. Incumbent Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly acknowledged that Zionist Christians in the United States and Europe are serving the interests of Jews the most.

The International Christian Embassy in the United States, the Christian Friends of Israel and the Christian United for Israel are the largest organizations of Zionist Christians. They claim that 50 million people in the United States are members of organizations and this seems to be true. The reason is that the same Zionist Christians voted for President Trump in the presidential election and made him successful.

Christian Zionist agenda

When President Trump became president, the above-mentioned organizations began to put pressure on him to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It was under pressure that Trump finally made the announcement on December 6. According to US experts, Zionist Christian organizations are working on a six-point political agenda. Here is a description of these points:

* The Jews are God's most beloved and chosen people. That is why every Christian should support and patronize them.
* Greater Israel's borders will extend from the Nile (Egypt) to the Euphrates (Iraq), so all Christians should make every effort to establish this kingdom.
* Only Jews will live in the state of Israel, which stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates, so the Palestinian Arabs must leave the state at all costs and the expansion of ghettos in the region must continue.
٭ Jerusalem (Jerusalem) is the special and permanent capital of Israel. It cannot be given to the Arabs.
* Zionist Christians generously donate to organizations that want to build a third temple.
٭ In the future, there will be “Armageddon” (Armageddon) ie the Great War. That is why Zionist Christians are strongly opposed to the ongoing "peace process" between the Israeli government and the Palestinians.

It is a matter of concern that on the one hand, the number of Zionist Christians in the United States and European countries is increasing, while the governments of the Arab countries are not as enthusiastic supporters of the Palestinian Arabs as before. Rumors are rife in the world media, especially about the Saudi government's behavior.

In November, for example, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Saudi Arabia. Some Middle East newspapers then reported that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had urged President Abbas to give up his demand for East Jerusalem to be the capital of a Palestinian state. The prince seems to have urged the Palestinians to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Similarly, when President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, rumors spread that he had been given the green light by Saudi Arabia and Egypt to make the announcement. When Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan convened an OIC conference in Istanbul on the issue, most Arab rulers were absent. The Venezuelan president attended.

Remember, the first Islamic country that Trump visited after taking office was Saudi Arabia. Egypt has been receiving billions of dollars from the United States every year since the Camp David Accords.

It is clear from all the stories above that Israeli Jews and Zionist Christians are gradually moving towards their original goal; that the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock be martyred in order to pave the way for the construction of a third temple. This is not a trivial plan of the Jews and Zionist Christians, but it has become their religious responsibility to carry it out.

This scenario suggests that in the future, there could be a major confrontation between the Muslim world and the Jews and their Christian supporters in the event of an Israeli attack on the Holy Haram. Importantly, all three Abrahamic religions have predictions of this great conflict. If the Muslims and the Jews do not resolve the issue of Haram Sharif through understanding, then these predictions can become a reality.

This confrontation could then be a precursor to World War III. Israel is currently a nuclear power. If the Israeli government dares to damage the Al-Aqsa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock, other nuclear powers, such as the United States, Russia, and Pakistan, will join the resulting Muslim-Jewish war. As if this nuclear war were to break out, much of the world could be destroyed.

Also read: Judge who clashed with Modi government

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