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The Relaxation Time


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Mention of amazing new inventions that are making human life better and better.

Driverless car

In the 1970s, a drama series "Knight Rider" was broadcast on American television. An amazing car played a major role in the immense popularity of this series. Called the "Kit", the car had many amazing features. She worked on a computer. The kit was equipped with artificial intelligence technology to keep it running on the roads without a driver. The car would reach its destination on its own without being involved in an accident. The kit was used to show the driver without a driver on the television screen because there was no such thing as a driverless car. However, scientists at Oxford University have now turned the "cut" into a reality.

Scientists in the field of mobile robotics at the university have converted a car into a self-driving vehicle. However, it can also be driven by a driver. Experts say that if the driver wants, he can complete his sleep by handing over the car to the auto driver. The car will continue its journey in the same way. The vehicle, which the research team dubbed the Wild Cat, is equipped with a variety of state-of-the-art techniques.

The "Wild Cat" is a fully computer-powered vehicle. The vehicle used the same technical skills used in drones to monitor the road and the sides. There are also powerful cameras installed. The "Wild Cat" consists of extremely powerful computers that process information or data from cameras, lasers and the most sensitive lenses and then make quick decisions based on this data whether to increase or decrease vehicle speed, turn right. Is or left etc. Equipped with artificial intelligence technology through sensitive lenses and cameras, the computer monitors the environment around the vehicle and then drives accordingly.

There are two types of wild cat eyes and lenses. With the help of data obtained from a moving triangular laser scanner mounted on the roof, a computer creates a triangular map of the vicinity of the vehicle. The laser scanner on the car's bumper looks at the road and its surroundings. In addition to the laser scanner, there is a stereo camera mounted on the roof of the car that captures very clear and vivid images per second. With the help of these images, the computer installed in the vehicle measures the distance and the rate of growth of the vehicle just like a human being.

A Wild Cat computer is in the next section. The working speed of this computer is two thousand times faster than a normal desktop computer. The other computer in the car is on the floor. This is the main computer that maps the vehicle's surroundings and road using information from lasers, scanners and cameras and then monitors the movement of the vehicle in the light of that information.
When Michael Knight, the hero of the drama series in "Knight Rider", instructed his car to get somewhere, she would get there automatically. This feature is also available in "Wildcat". The car cost 30 million dollars to build. Oxford experts say that all the experiments of "Wildcat" are working. However, the general availability of this vehicle will take many years.

Radar system that monitors humans

Attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan, especially roadside bombings, have increased dramatically. Coalition and US forces have large numbers of experts and bomb disposal vehicles to thwart such attacks, but the United States is struggling to find a way to thwart such attacks. In this regard, the United States is preparing to use a modern system, which is apparently a radar. This will make it possible to find people on Earth who want to install lethal explosives (I.Eds).

This new radar system has been dubbed Vader, meaning "Vehicle Anti-Disintegration Excitation". The system is capable of keeping a very close eye on everyone on the ground, even if it is mounted on an airplane at an altitude of 5 feet. The creator of this unique weather system is the well-known company "Northrop Grumman", which is a major player in aircraft and missile development.

This radar system works in two different ways. The first is to get very clear and concise images of the targets, the second is to work as a real-time ground moving interpreter who searches for moving targets and delivers all the relevant information including visual information from time to time. In addition, the system has the ability to find vehicles, individuals, animals and any type of ship floating in the water. See when this temptation seeker enters the battlefield.

The importance of biotechnology 

Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, a well-known Pakistani scientist, describes biotechnology in simple language:

Biotechnology is the field of biology in which various micro-organisms (living organisms) are used for human welfare in health, agriculture, environment and other related fields. In this regard, the use of biotechnology in the field of bioengineering has been very successful in obtaining products of commercial importance. Today, about 3% of the world's medicines are obtained through biotechnology. It is estimated that by the end of the year, it will produce 3% of medicines. For example, insulin for diabetics is made using biotechnology. Genetically modified organisms are used to make many antibiotics.

In addition, the Human Genome Project is in the final stages of completion. This method will be able to identify the causes that cause the transmission of hereditary diseases in humans. Every year thousands of people lose their lives due to harmful reactions to drugs. To prevent this, a new field of health called Personalized Medicine is being introduced so that appropriate medicines can be developed keeping in view the genetic profile of different nationalities of the human population.

Biotechnology is introducing more nutritious and better quality new crops in the agricultural sector. These crops have better environmental resistance and better resistance to various pests. In addition, using the method of plant tissue culture, we no longer need seeds, we can grow many fruits and flowers without seeds. Genetically modified crops are growing that are better able to protect themselves internally from germs. An example of this is G.T. Cotton. Every year, about 500,000 children worldwide lose their sight due to vitamin A deficiency. To protect children from the disease, a new variety of rice, Golden Rice, has been planted with the help of biotechnology, which is rich in vitamin A. These are just a few examples of how biotechnology has introduced innovation as well as better practices in the fields of agriculture, health, environment and materials science.

This field of knowledge is being neglected in Pakistan while our neighboring country India has made remarkable progress in the field of biotechnology. India knows that the secret to poverty reduction and development lies in the Knowledge Economy, which is why it is focusing on advancing biotechnology.

The mechanism of action of the malaria bacterium

The malaria bacterium is a great and cunning enemy of man. Every year, 30 million people fall victim to malaria, while 200,000 people die, most of them children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Research into malaria vaccines has been under way in many parts of the world. Experts at the Cambridge Institute in Cambridge say they have discovered how the deadly malaria bacterium enters red blood cells. Scientists hope the discovery will improve malaria medicine. Experts say they are shocked and impressed by the discovery. According to scientists, the bacterium Plasmodium falciparum is extraordinarily adept at evading the immune system. It hides in the liver within 5 minutes of being bitten by a mosquito and then spreads by infecting red blood cells.

India's war preparations

India is in a terrible war frenzy these days. The Indian Army is conducting a series of missile tests. According to Indian media, the Agni II missile was tested in the eastern state of Odisha. The maximum range of this missile is 5,000 km. The missile is 3 meters long, 1 meter in diameter and weighs 3 tons. The missile can be easily moved from one place to another. India plans to conduct more Agni series experiments that can hit its target at a range of 5,000 km.

Missile tests were started by India in the 1970s. Work on the Agni series is underway in India under the Integrated Missile Development Program. India is preparing to test the Agni-3 ballistic missile by the end of this year and the recent missile tests are in fact a link in that chain. Agni - will have the ability to hit its target up to 2,000 km.

Experts say India's missile tests are an attempt to further improve its nuclear capability, lead in the region and put pressure on Pakistan in the current situation.

The Indian Air Force has decided to install the Arodhra radar system near the Pakistani border in Rajasthan and Gujarat. The radar system was developed by the Indian Defense Research and Development Organization with the help of Israel.

India wants to enhance its border surveillance capability by connecting to ground and air surveillance networks. In order to increase its combat capability and strengthen its defenses, the Indian Army has purchased eight AWACS aircraft from Israel and added them to the Air Force, which will be able to view live images, sound and transport. In addition, more surveillance equipment will be added, which will strengthen India's ground and air intelligence network.

Copying the human brain: the learning chip

Thanks to eight years of hard work and multi-investment, IBM researchers have finally developed two silicon micro-silicon microchips that are "brain-like" in terms of their structure. That is, their way of working is like a brain. The thickness of these chips is only 0.6 nanometers and they are made with the help of various electrons. These electrons are designed in such a way that they are an exact replica of the heads of the animal's brain nerves. Both chips have 2 digital nerves and are controlled at a frequency of 2 MHz. On one of these chips, there are 1.2, 2 programmable sci-fi naps, while on the other, there are 1.2 encrypted sci-naps.

Depending on its structure and function, brain-like (brain-like) chips can be used to analyze images and videos. Even with their help it is possible to assess the weather in real time. This development by IBM is significant. It will usher in a new era of computer-controlled traffic signals, air traffic control and various automated items.

Longevity is not the cause of a healthy lifestyle

A new study has found that people who live to be 100 years old are more likely to have genetic predisposition, not lifestyle. According to a study by the American Guerrilla Truck Society, people who live to be 100 years old are as likely to eat unhealthy foods and drink alcohol and smoke as anyone else.

The study was conducted by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. According to research, these people did not live a healthy life. He was also overweight and suffered from poor exercise habits in addition to smoking. Their diet was also normal. Therefore, the reason for their old age was more genetic than attitudes and lifestyles.

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