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The Relaxation Time


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This is December 26, 2013. A magistrate in the Indian city of Ahmedabad announced the rejection of Zakia Jaffery's application. Hearing this, Begum Zakia Jaffery had tears in her eyes and she fainted. But the 74-year-old woman soon regained her composure and announced that she would continue her jihad against Narendra Modi. It was Zakia Jaffery's extraordinary courage to publicly challenge her most important and dangerous leader in a stronghold of extremist Hindus.

When the earthly resurrection came

Zakia Jafari's tragic journey began on February 28, 2002. She was then living happily with her family at the Gulberg Society in Ahmedabad, a popular city in Gujarat. But on the last day of Hindu Sadhus at Godhra railway station

When a train caught fire, doomsday fell on all the Muslims living in the state.
On February 29, at one o'clock in the afternoon, ten thousand extremist Hindus surrounded the Gulberg Society. By then, other Muslim families in the city had taken refuge there. The society was inhabited by Ehsan Jaffery, husband of the famous Congress leader and Zakia Jaffery. The area was just a mile and a half away from the police headquarters. Hundreds of Muslims believed that Ehsan Jafari's influence and proximity to the police would keep him safe in the Gulberg Society.

But these unfortunates did not know that Chief Minister Narendra Modi, the master of black and white in the state, had himself allowed extremist Hindus to play Holi with the blood of Muslims. He said: "Let them vent their anger." From February to March 2002, extremists intensified their persecution of Gujarati Muslims.

Thousands of Muslim businesses were destroyed. Their savings were looted. At least 2,000 Muslims were martyred. Above all, the trauma that has befallen Gujarati Muslims have not gone away. The anti-Muslim riots of 2002 made him a second-class citizen of Gujarat; a citizen who no longer dared to speak out against atrocities and that was Narendra Modi's wish.

The metaphor of Hindu extremism in India, the life story of Narendra Modi reveals that he laid the foundation of his political career by shedding the blood of thousands of Muslims. Then he continued to develop the politics of hatred, until he was considered the next Prime Minister of India. He may have great administrative skills, according to the Indians, but Modi's "essence" was revealed only when he came across a staunch Muslim enemy.

Born in the bag

Narendra Modi Dardas Modi was born on October 17, 1950, in the ancient city of Vadnagar, Gujarat. His parents belonged to the Ghanchi caste which belongs to the Shudra class. In Gujarat, Ghanchi is engaged in the business of selling oil. However, Modi's father, Mol, had a large family (six children). He had also opened a tea house near the railway station to meet his household expenses.

When Modi was eight years old, he started shaking hands with his father in the tea house. Whenever a train stopped at the railway station, Modi would handle cups of tea and run towards the coaches.
At the age of eight, Modi started moving to the local center of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Singh). There, the RSS children used to train the adults and inculcate the extremist Hindu ideology "Hind Tova" in their minds.

Modi was a restless and emotional boy. His greatest wish was to do something so that everyone would applaud him. So Modi was thirteen years old when he left home to become something. Where and how he spent the next two years, except for Modi nobody knows. However, he kept wandering like a sannyasi.

Two years later, Modi returned home. Now the parents wanted him to marry his childhood fianc ،e, Jashodha's sister. But Modi refused to marry. When his parents pressured him, he went to Ahmedabad to fight with them.

In Ahmedabad, his uncle used to run a canteen at the bus stand. Modi worked there for a few months. When some money was collected, Gita started running his tea house on a bicycle near the temple. There was a Hindu center there. Some preachers of the Center started drinking tea from Modi's stall and became his friends.

A preacher took Modi as an employee to the state headquarters of the RSS, Head Guar Bhawan. Thus began a new chapter in Modi's fast-paced life.

Fat oral work came

Modi, 20, used to get up early in the morning at Head Guar Fry and prepare tea and breakfast for 15-16 men. Big and small leaders were to come and go at the RSS headquarters. The young Modi, due to his fat mouth, soon became close to the leaders and managed to gain their trust.

Gradually, he was given organizational tasks, such as reserving buses, opening letters, and delivering files to various offices. In 1972, Modi spent a month training at the RSS headquarters (Nagpur). Only after this training did Modi become a regular propagandist of the RSS.

The RSS leadership then made him the local head of its student organization, Akhil Bharatiya and Diyarthi Parishad in the state of Gujarat. After assuming the same post, Modi's activities revealed that he is extremely arrogant, egotistical and ambitious.

RSS has been banned three times since 1947. Each time, the government accused him of committing acts of violence. That is why RSS leaders do not openly participate in political activities and behind the scenes lead extremist Hindu parties. But Narendra Modi broke this rule to make himself stand out.


Once in 1975, the RSS held a protest rally against Indira Gandhi in Ahmedabad. As usual, the RSS leaders began to criticize the government in a cold tone. Meanwhile, Modi arrived there. He was furious to see that there was no sign of protest in the meeting. Modi grabbed the mic and made a scathing speech against the government. The people liked the speech, but the RSS leaders were very angry. Later, Modi also faced the party's disciplinary committee.

In fact, it is Modi's temperament to show aggression and power and in his youth he had reached the point of bullying. But Modi did his job so skillfully that the RSS leadership overcame his aggressive nature Ignored. Whatever the leader gave him, he would be sure that it would be completed on time.
When Indira Gandhi declared an emergency, Modi disguised himself and carried out various party work. He secretly printed anti-government posters in Ahmedabad and sent them all over India. 

Arrangements for meetings and processions were also entrusted to him. He was well-organized and well-respected.

Narendra Modi has been climbing the ladder of growth in the RSS due to his relationship building skills, management skills, and aggressive nature. In 1987, he was made the Secretary of State for the RSS. Thus, for the first time, Modi also tasted political power. In every Indian state, the organizing secretary of the RSS looks after the affairs of his political wing, the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party).
Remember, the state and central presidents of the BJP are public leaders. But both the RSS and the BJP have the same organizational secretary who does not belong to the masses. He runs the affairs of the BJP from behind and acts as a bridge between non-political and political arms.

Modi was the organizing secretary of the RSS in Gujarat from 1987 to 1995. Coincidentally, during these years, the BJP emerged as India's largest political party. He also planted the flag of success in Gujarat. In 1985, it had only "11" seats in the state assembly. In 1995, that number rose to 121. At that time, Kishobhai Patel and Shankarsena were the most senior leaders of the BJP. But by 1995, Modi also emerged as the third force in the state.

Development continued

During those nine years, there were three Hindu-Muslim riots in Gujarat, each time targeting mostly Muslims. This politics of hatred and revenge proved to be beneficial for the BJP. Its leaders incited the Hindus against the Muslims and succeeded in getting their votes.

To capture the Hindu vote at the national level, the BJP organized yatras, rallies, and processions in collaboration with all the extremist parties. The Babri Masjid was martyred in 1990 during the Ayodhya Rath Yatra. Modi, while staying at the local level, took an active part in the preparation of all the yatras.

However, gaining power and influence, Modi became arrogant and self-centered. Now he wanted the BJP to do what he wanted, but that was the prerogative of senior leaders. Due to this, Keshu Bhai and Shankar Sahna started disliking the ambitious Modi.

Meanwhile, state elections came in February 1995. At that time, the BJP had little experience in keeping voter records, campaigning, bringing voters, etc. So the three leaders put their differences behind them and started working together to win the state elections. He has been in the state for RSS
One and a half lakh workers of SS, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, etc. were mobilized. His efforts were successful and the BJP won 121 seats. The Congress got only 45 votes.

Possessing a conspiratorial mind

Thus, for For the first time in the state, the BJP formed the government. Keshubhai Patel became the Chief Minister. Now Modi started walking back and forth in front of the Chief Minister. Modi would fill his ears against Shankar Sahna and accuse him of conspiring against the Chief Minister. Modi conspired against the two senior leaders.

In late 1995, Shankar Sahna threatened to split with his colleagues (half the members of the Assembly) if he was not made Chief Minister. The matter escalated so much that Atal Bihari Vajpayee had to come to Ahmedabad from Delhi to resolve it. The settlement resulted in the third leader, Suresh Mehta, becoming the Chief Minister. Since Modi also played an important role in this fight, he was sent to New Delhi as punishment.

In New Delhi, Modi was made the BJP's small organizational national secretary and assigned the states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh and Jammu, and Kashmir. In fact, this punishment proved to be very useful for Modi. Because at the BJP headquarters, he was close to national leaders and he was able to increase his influence. Even when Vajpayee was elected Prime Minister in 1998, Modi was promoted. This time he was made the organizing secretary of the RSS at the national level. Thus, he has now become an important leader in overseeing the affairs of the BJP at the national level.

In the 50-year history of the Bharatiya Janata Party, only three leaders have so far become national organizing secretaries. He continued to handle the affairs of both the parties behind the three media and fame and traditionally behind the scenes, but the rope of fame proved to be Modi's innovation.

The bullet responded with a bomb

When the Kargil war broke out in 1998, Modi held provocative press conferences against Pakistan and gave several interviews to newspapers. In a TV debate, Modi said in his typical militant style, "We will not feed chicken biryani to Pakistanis, but will respond to bullets with bombs."

In the meantime, the courts in Gujarat kept changing. In 1999, Keshu Bhai became the Chief Minister again. However, under his leadership, the BJP lost two by-elections. Now Modi has started a campaign in New Delhi to make him the Chief Minister of the state. He knew that he had very few allies in Gujarat; most local BJP leaders considered him selfish, conspiratorial, and arrogant. But if the Center had sent him as Chief Minister, they would have had to accept Modi.

So Narendra Modi pushed hard to become the Chief Minister. He received overwhelming support, especially from the leaders of the RSS; they were happy with the idea that a preacher of the organization was going to become chief minister for the first time. Modi's efforts color
Prime Minister Vajpayee appointed him Chief Minister of Gujarat.

Efforts to become Chief Minister

However, in Gujarat, Modi was known as a conspiratorial leader. Most BJP MLAs disliked him. Along with Modi, two important BJP leaders also reached Gujarat to appease him. Kashu Bhau Thackeray was a former BJP president while Madan Lal Kharana was a senior leader. Due to his presence, the members of the state assembly took a bitter sip and recognized Modi as the unelected Chief Minister.

Now Modi had to decide from which constituency he would contest. No member of the Assembly was willing to give up his seat for the sake of gold. Whoever Modi talked to would get a definite answer. Finally, after much pleading, Vajo Bhai Wala agreed to leave his seat in Rajkot.

Modi won that seat after a tough contest. However, this victory made him the Chief Minister of Gujarat on October 7, 2001. But his hands and feet were tied. Most of the ministers would not face him and would make secret plans to bring him back to Delhi somehow. He did not like this arrogant and dictatorial Chief Minister.

At the time, it seemed that Modi's pulse was not melting in the state; political pundits thought that this opportunistic leader, like hundreds of "accidental" chief ministers, would disappear from the scene in a few months. ۔ Things were going in the same direction when the Subramanya Express crashed on February 27, 2002. The subsequent horrific anti-Muslim riots also changed Modi's destiny.

The beginning of a new life

Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, an Indian intellectual and journalist, is considered an authority on Hindu extremism. He had penned Narendra Modi's biography "Narendra Modi The Man, the Times" last year. In it, he writes that Modi's life consists of two parts; the 2002 riots before and after!

It is as if the massacre of Muslims brought a revolution in Modi's life. Before that, Modi had no identity. He was not among the Brahmin leaders who played a pivotal role in the martyrdom of the Babri Masjid. Nor was it counted among the important leaders of the middle and lower classes, such as Sushma Swaraj, Kalyan Singh, and Uma Bharti.

But the 2002 riots gave Narendra Modi an untouchable identity that no BJP leader had. By martyring hundreds of Muslims and teaching them a "lesson", he became the leader of the Hindu people. "Remove these riots from Modi's life in 2002, then he becomes an ordinary politician," writes Makhu Padaye.

The misfortune of Gujarati Muslims was that at that time an anti-Islamic atmosphere had developed internationally. incident
After 9/11, the United States launched a "war on terror" that was actually against the Muslim Mujahideen. The war benefited Hindu extremists who were already active against Muslims and Pakistan. Among them was RSS propagandist Narendra Modi.

The police did not stop the thugs

By turning an accident into terrorism, Modi brought doom to Gujarati Muslims. He became the ringleader of the Hindu thugs and gave them free rein to treat Muslims as they wished. The then Deputy Commissioner (Intelligence) Sanjeev Bhatt narrates: “On February 28, Chief Minister Modi called a meeting of security officers. In it, the Chief Minister ordered the police not to block the way of Hindu rioters, so that they could vent their anger.

Here is an example of the horrible way in which Hindu thugs vented their anger on Muslims. By two o'clock in the afternoon, the Hindu rioters entered the house of Ehsan Jafri. They grabbed Jaffrey, stripped him naked, and paraded him on the street for some time. After that, Jaffrey's fingers were cut off in the echo of Hindu slogans. Then he was beheaded and then martyred. And then his body was thrown into the fire.

Many men and women in the Gulberg Society were also burned to ashes. The same cruelty was meted out to Muslims in other parts of the state.

Gujarat's anti-Muslim riots were first seen on TV networks across India. All moderate Hindus condemned the horrific incidents of massacre and arson. He also split the BJP. The moderate leaders of the party believed that this tragedy would alienate the liberal Hindus from the BJP. But the extremist leaders decided to give their full support to Modi.

Extremist Hindus win

Moderate leaders gathered under the leadership of Prime Minister Vajpayee. By then, differences had arisen between Modi and Vajpayee. Modi did not like Vajpayee's polite style, interest in poetry, and pacifism. For Vajpayee, Modi was closer to ignorance and arrogance.

Meanwhile, key BJP leaders Krishna Lal Advani, Bal Thackeray, and Mohan Jaitley started supporting Modi. The biggest threat to the moderates was that the coalition parties would break away from the BJP coalition government in protest. But no party, including the Janata Dal, DMK, Telugu Desam Party and Trinamool Congress was sympathetic to Indian Muslims. Due to this, even the moderate Hindu leaders became cold. Even Vajpayee started speaking the language of extremists. Addressing the BJP Executive Council on April 12, 2002, he said:
"In Indonesia, Malaysia, wherever Muslims live, they do not want to live in mutual understanding. They are not like others and are not peace-loving. So we don't have to teach secularism, India was secular even before the arrival of Muslims and Christians. ”

From that day on, Vajpayee also came under Modi's influence. Even when Modi called him to Gujarat on the occasion of the December 2002 elections, the Prime Minister left all his busy schedules and went there. "My heart is pounding at the thought of what stupid things Modi would say in meetings," he told comrades aboard.

Removed from the opposite path

The Muslim assassination made Modi so powerful in Gujarat that he could face his opponents in the party. Among them were Sanjay Joshi, Harin Pandey, and Gardhan Zadafia. Harin Pandey, who served as finance minister in the Modi government, was assassinated in 2003 under mysterious circumstances. Sanjay Joshi was the General Secretary of the BJP. He had to resign when pictures of him with naked women surfaced (which later turned out to be fake).

Gardhan Zadafia was the Minister of State in the Modi government. He was also acquitted in late 2002. He says: "Modi knows only one alphabet

Is and is: 1 (in). Modi also threatened me that if I kept speaking against him, "Brother Gardhan, you will be gone."

After wiping out opponents in the BJP, Modi from time to time kept on martyring Muslims in fake encounters with the Gujarat police. These Muslims would later be considered terrorists and agents of the ISI or LeT.
Modi, meanwhile, was hailed as the best administrator and business-friendly chief minister. However, this feat was the result of planned publicity. (Read more in the attached box: "Gujarat; Has there really been progress?"). And the pro-Hindu media exaggerated Modi's achievements.

The bravery of Zakia Jafari

Ehsan Jafari's wife Zakia Jafari had saved her life by hiding in a room. But the catastrophe that befell his family kept him in a semi-crazy state for a long time. Gradually, she regained her composure and regained her senses.

Now they have decided that there is an FIR against Narendra Modi and other extremist leaders. But which police officer dared to file a case against Modi? He has to lose not only his job but also his life. Then Zakia Jaffery reached the Supreme Court. Finally, in June 2006, Ahmedabad police lodged an FIR against Modi and others.

But then the same problem came up that Gujarat police was Modi's captive; here it was a matter of reprimanding the thief Kotwal. So the investigation escalated into an ant's trick. So Zakia Jaffery again knocked on the door of the Supreme Court. In March 2008, the court set up a special investigation team, the SIT (Special Investigation Team).

Injustice of Indian Supreme Court

But while giving justice, the Indian Supreme Court was also killed. It so happened that he made RK Raghavan, the former head of the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation), the head of the SIT, and handed over all the power to him. It was RK Raghwan who had a controversial record.

In 1984, he headed the police and intelligence agencies to provide security for Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. But he failed in his duty and a Tamil suicide bomber killed Rajiv Gandhi with a bomb. The government later set up a "Verma Commission" to investigate the incident.

The commission found out from the investigation that RK Raghavan had failed to make security arrangements. Raghwan should have been fired under the law if the allegations were proven, but the commission granted him a waiver and he continued to work in the government.

Blood of justice

RK Raghwan had a soft spot for Hindu nationalism. That is why when the BJP came to power in 1999, he was made the chief of the CBI. Surprisingly, the Indian Supreme Court headed such an investigation team Made a government official who was close to the killers.

This introduction brought color. The SIT submitted two reports in the Zakia Jaffrey case in April 2010 and February 2012, both of which acquitted Modi.

In May 2011, the Supreme Court hired a reputed lawyer, Raju Ram Chandran. He asked them to read the first report of SIT and asked them to go to Gujarat and do research on their own. Raju Ram stayed in Gujarat for a month. He met with several accused, government officials and witnesses and submitted his report to the Supreme Court in July. He stated:
There is evidence that Narendra Modi took part in the massacre of Muslims. So they should be prosecuted. ”

But the Indian Supreme Court, again blaming justice, ignored the report. Rather, the SIT reports were true, even though they were clearly in favor of Modi. In February 2012, the court acquitted Modi.
The news struck Zakia Jafari like lightning. Every child in Ahmedabad knows that Modi slapped Hindu thugs so that they would attack unarmed Muslims like wolves.

In April 2013, Zakia Jaffery filed a protest (according to law) with a magistrate in Ahmedabad against the SIT reports. But what was feared happened? In December 2013, the magistrate rejected the application.

Seeing that justice was not being done, Zakia Begum became obsessed. But she did not give up and announced that she would go to the Supreme Court again. Thus the tyrannical Chief Minister escaped capture by the law through his state machinery.

Reasons for false progress

According to Neelanjan Makhupa Daye, Narendra Modi cleverly adopted the method of "image building". Under his influence, the media skillfully portrayed him as the "savior" of the Indian Hindu people. That is why he occasionally threatens minorities so that Hindus may know that he can establish their supremacy in India.

The one-sided spectacle of Modi's personality is that the media portrays him as a simple-minded and wealthy leader. Extremists claim to be from a poor family and are well aware of the plight of the poor. But Modi is crazy about expensive clothes and goods. He wears the most expensive tailors' kartas which are called "Modi kartas" and also travels by helicopter.

But the The most prominent aspect of Modi's personality is his domineering and authoritarian temperament. His colleagues and friends all say that he does not listen to anyone. If Narendra Modi succeeds in becoming the Prime Minister, then he may continue to trample on all democratic traditions.

The problem is, do the Hindus of the world's largest democracy, especially the industrialists and merchants, want such an authoritarian ruler? This is the irony of modern times!

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