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The Relaxation Time


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Most of the people get tired and lethargic in their daily work. Then the heart does not want to work and wants to rest. There are many reasons for fatigue, but doctors say that diet is the biggest culprit.

The reason is that food is the fuel for our physical machinery. So what we eat inevitably affects our physical and mental performance. Here are some tips to help you get rid of daily fatigue and depression.

Don't forget to have breakfast

At the beginning of the day, there is chaos in most families. Children are in a hurry to go to school, so adults want to get to their office. In this world of haste, very few people care about the needs of their bodies. Due to lack of time, they poison food and go to work. But four hours later, when the body does not get energy, it protests in the form of fatigue. Therefore, people who do not eat breakfast and then get tired, they must eat proper food in the morning.

In fact, scientific research has shown that breakfast has many benefits. It stimulates us, increases our concentration, helps us lose weight by avoiding overeating during the day, and saves us from diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Doctors say that in order to benefit from these benefits, eat foods rich in carbohydrates and protein for breakfast. People who exercise physically or mentally throughout the day should take a wheat or any other whole grain bread, egg, and milk for breakfast. However, do not use too much sugar and fat. Eating more sweet foods for breakfast makes you feel more hungry. So a person eats more lunch and becomes fat.

Take a mixture of carbohydrates

Don't limit healthy foods to breakfast, in fact, a balanced diet provides a person with the energy they need throughout the day. Carbohydrates are very important in this regard.
Carbohydrates have been criticized for some time. However, doctors say that this nutrient is still the main source of energy for human beings. A person who eats food deprived of this element usually becomes a victim of fatigue and weakness.

According to nutritionists, the best way to get energy is to eat a diet rich in compounds and simple carbohydrates. Compounds burn carbohydrates slowly and most of our diet should contain them. Whole grains and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, squash, cabbage, and carrots are included in this category. The importance of simple carbohydrates is that they provide instant energy due to skin burns. They are found in fruits, vegetables, and honey. However, not all foods contain simple carbohydrates.

Simple sugary foods also provide instant energy. But the problem with them is that they raise and lower human blood sugar levels very quickly. If this process is done too often, then the system that controls the level of sugar in our blood becomes bad. So it doesn't take long for diabetes to strike. Nutritionists say make sure that complex carbohydrates contain fiber. This is because in the presence of fiber, carbohydrates gradually become part of our body. In this way, our body gets energy slowly in a balanced way as opposed to instant energy.

Many processed carbohydrate foods such as rice, white double bread, buns, have very little fiber. Eating them gives us instant energy. So make sure that a slice of double bread contains 2 to 3 grams of fiber.

The power of grease

Fat has also been depleted for a few years, although it has its own importance. It is true that "bad" fats cause heart disease, some types of cancer, and other diseases. However, proper fat is the best source of energy. Research has shown that saturated fats (found in meat, butter, fats, and creams) and trans fats (found in bakery products, snacks, and fried foods and margarine) can lead to heart disease. So eat these foods sparingly, while eating more of these saturated or unsaturated fatty foods. These foods include nuts, olive oil, and canola oil. There are two types of unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated! Vegetable oils and fish, prawns, etc. are the first type of food. The latter includes nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

Don't skip protein

Carbohydrates and fats provide energy to our body. Protein manages this energy. This element keeps cells healthy, promotes our growth, delivers hormones and vitamins to relevant organs, and protects our muscles. In fact, muscle and many hormones come into being through proteins. Our immune system also needs this element. So it is important that the body receives protein regularly.

Meat, fish, eggs, beans, pulses, nuts, and low-fat dairy products are important sources of protein. When we eat these foods, our body breaks down proteins into amino acids. (These acids make proteins.) Some of these acids are essential, meaning we have to get them from the diet. Others are unnecessary, meaning our bodies make them too. Many people do not eat carbohydrates or fatty foods. Then our body begins to take energy from protein. So this is also an important nutrient.

The importance of water

Two-thirds of our body is made up of water. That is why without water we can only survive for a few days. This great liquid, through sweat, keeps our body temperature normal, moves food easily in the intestines, and lubricates joints. In addition, it participates in the manufacture of energy molecules. Doctors say: "We also feel weak and tired due to lack of water in the body." Puts on

Every human being needs water differently. Researchers have found that in summer, women, in particular, drink 11 cups of water daily, while men drink 16 cups. This is a good amount, however, 20% of this liquid is obtained from food and 80% from water and beverages. Doctors advise to keep a reasonable amount of water in the body at all times. Be sure to drink water, especially after exercising, taking strong medications, and eating a diet rich in fiber.

Beware of caffeine

Many people drink coffee, especially during the winter. Some can't walk without coffee. In fact, the caffeine in it makes them addicted. In addition to coffee, this nutrient is also found in tea, cola drinks, chocolate, and some herbs. Doctors say that caffeine is a stimulant. Using it stimulates the hormones that increase our heart rate, speed up our breathing, and make us excited. Adrenaline is one of these hormones. So after drinking coffee or tea, we feel active. The problem is that caffeine-induced hemorrhage lasts only two and a half hours.

Medical experiments have shown that a combination of caffeine and sugar can make us dizzy. But when the effect of the mixture wears off, the person feels tired and exhausted. So he drinks more tea or coffee and gradually becomes accustomed to this mixture. If he does not get coffee or tea, he feels pain in his head and body. Remember, a person who does not drink tea or coffee, especially in the afternoon, drinks one of these drinks, then his sleep is lost. So try not to drink any caffeinated beverages after 3 pm. Also, it is better not to use such drinks.

One last thing

Remember, diet has the potential to increase or decrease energy levels in humans. If you feel tired after eating a healthy diet, reduce the number of meals. Some people make themselves active by eating a small amount of food five or six times a day. Other men and women prefer the traditional three-course meal. This difference is due to the fact that every human being has different energy needs.

Food intake is also closely related to fatigue. Research shows that a person who constantly eats too much is not only fat but also lazy. Some men and women suffer from fatigue due to a lack of essential minerals or vitamins. When women have less iron in their bodies, they still start to get tired. So this disorder goes away by taking the required minerals or vitamins.

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