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The Relaxation Time


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    The anti-Muslim attack in north-east Delhi is not a temporary ferment of emotions but a soul-stirring history, tinged with hatred and enmity and blood and dust.

From the evening of February 23 to March 1, millions of Muslim men, women, and children in northeast Delhi lived in terror. Death danced on their heads and became a torment for life. For a week in a row, extremist Hindu thugs, blinded by negative feelings of hatred and revenge, continued to attack the lives and property of Muslims. They did not spare innocent children, helpless old people , and degraded humanity to the level of animals. Living a comfortable life, we can understand some of the pain, sorrow, and anxiety that Indian Muslim brothers and sisters are suffering from.

Today, whenever a Muslim majority in India is persecuted, I am reminded of two Hindu students I met in 1991 in Sydney, Australia. I was studying there then. He also worked part-time jobs to cover his daily expenses. Worked for four months at Wolverine, the largest Chinese or interstate supermarket company in Australia. There he met Hindu students who had come from India to study. Part team like me used to earn some money by working.

He was from Bombay. He could speak Urdu very well, so we got to know him quickly. If I had free time, I would also gossip. A few days later, Kashmir, religion, and politics began to be discussed. He said he did not go to the temple but believed in his gods and goddesses. His argument was that all religions teach brotherhood, goodness, and love. But to fulfill their own interests, people use religion as their weapon. It is only by going into the hands of human beings captive to desires that religion again puts on a negative cloak. Today, the same ideology has taken root in India and has made people of different religions and races enemies of each other all over India. This is the biggest ideological change in India.

It is evident from the history of India that believers of various gods and goddesses lived there. The fact is that Hinduism did not exist until only two hundred years ago. The pagans of India were divided into two major sects, Vishnumat and Shivam. The rest of the pagans belonged to other religious sects. When Muslims established states in India, they generally did not forcibly convert any idolater to Islam. Most Muslim rulers were tolerant and just. That is why, apart from the Akadka incidents, there was no religious riot between Muslims and pagans. Idolaters and Muslims lived together in all Indian cities and towns. The Muslim elite kept their way of life separate but there was no public confrontation between the two major sects.

That is why many of the ministers and advisers of almost all Muslim rulers were pagans. His army also included Rajput and Jat chiefs. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb is called "Katar". But even in the court of this Muslim ruler, there were many idolaters. Delhi was the largest center of civilization and culture that came into being through the harmony of Muslims and pagans. The ways in which the Dehlavi civilization gave birth to literature and etiquette and the ways of politeness and gentleness were inhabited by both Muslims and pagans.
This is the Delhi where Urdu was born from the womb of Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, and other local dialects and emerged as a masjid and marqa language. The first scholarly and literary school of this new vernacular (lingua franca) was that even the illiterate people of Delhi would adopt a charming poetic style when they sold their wares. He is playing the bowl of syrup and saying: "Mian, there is water of life, not syrup."

Not only in Delhi but also in other big cities like Lucknow, Faizabad, Hyderabad, Deccan, etc., from the cultural fusion of Muslims and idolaters, a special society was born which had a long history of tolerance and tolerance. People of different colors, races, and religions lived together and shared each other's sorrows. It is the British who sowed the seeds of religious differences in this society for the occupation of India. From these seeds, the plants of hatred, enmity, and revenge sprouted and grew into trees.

The British, in particular, propagated that idolatry was persecuted during the Muslim era. They were deliberately kept in poverty and ignorance. That was a complete lie. But the Brahmins accepted this propaganda correctly. The main reason for this is that the Muslims came and overthrew the Brahmin governments. Now he wanted to regain power and take revenge on the Muslims.

The Brahmins then began to try to unite the pagans under the umbrella of the new religion, Hinduism. But it turned out to be a long process. That is why, in the War of Independence of 1857, Muslims and pagans fought the British together. But then things changed. In 1858, idolaters forcibly occupied the courtyard of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. In 1862, there was a movement in Odh to make Hindi, not Urdu, the official language. Hinduism was soon disguised and the Gurkhas and Sanghtan (movement to convert Muslims back to Hinduism) campaigns began. Just as a forest fire breaks out, so religious differences between Muslims and Hindus spread in India.

Despite this, all conscious leaders of Muslims and Hindus strived for the two nations to live in peace and love and develop their country together. Among such Muslim leaders are Maulana Mahmood Al-Hassan, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Maulana Qasim Nanotavi, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar. These Muslim leaders were active for the welfare and awareness of India but they did not spread any negative and illegitimate propaganda against their Hindu compatriots.

On the contrary, a group of extremist leaders emerged among the Hindus who dreamed of making India a "Hindu Rashtriya" or Hindu state. The group's leaders also joined the moderate Hindu Congress Party. They then began to obstruct the rights of Muslims. The negative activities of these Hindu extremist leaders made the most important leader of the Hindu-Muslim alliance, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, disgusted. She became convinced that if the Hindu majority became the ruler after the return of the British, she would not treat the Muslims fairly. Therefore, they demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims of India. This is how our homeland, Pakistan, came into being.
Only Allah knows the state of hearts. However, the two great leaders of the Hindus, Gandhi, and Nehru, were seemingly benevolent to the Muslims. Gandhiji was especially active. For example, on his initiative, the government of Pakistan was given the withheld money. They also went on a hunger strike to stop attacks on Muslims. He wanted to go to Pakistan to stop the horrific riots but before that he was killed by Hindu Mahasabha workers.

By 1947, the Hindu Mahasabha and the RSS had become major Hindu extremist parties. Thousands of Hindus were his workers. They both wanted to make India a Hindu state. However, the assassination of Gandhiji created hatred among the common people against him. Then the government also cracked down on them. That is why the Hindu Mahasabha is almost over. Meanwhile, RSS leaders and activists also went underground. Despite this, they managed to capture the Babri Masjid in 1948.

Gradually, the body of the RSS was revived. He also formed a political party called Jan Sangh. However, it did not last long. RSS, however, continued to do charity work. The most important step he took was to open his own religious school in the streets. There she began giving almost free education to poor and middle-class children. The basic idea of ​​the curriculum of these schools was that India belongs to the Hindus so it should become a Hindu Rashtriya. According to this syllabus, Muslim rulers were considered as invaders and enemies of Hindus.

By 1980, thousands of Hindu youth had graduated from these schools. Many of them became members of the RSS, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Khiosina, and other extremist Hindu organizations. In India today, all these organizations are called "Sangh Parivar", "Jan Sangh" or "Hindutva". The participation of thousands of new generation workers made the Sangh Parivar strong. Now Hindu organizations are spreading their wings so that they can increase their influence in Indian society. In order to gain power, he resorted to inciting the Hindu masses against the Muslims and gathering them on his platform. It is as if the Sangh Parivar used religion as a weapon to further its own interests. However, the first economic bomb was dropped.

From the writings and speeches published in newspapers, magazines, and books, the Sangh leaders began to propagate that the Congress government was giving undue concessions to Muslims. They have the freedom to practice their religion in public. While millions of Hindu youth are unemployed. Millions of Hindus live in poverty. The Gharz Singh Parivar declared the Muslims to be victims of the oppression and poverty of the Hindus.

The provocative propaganda of the leaders of the Sangh Parivar gradually began to take shape. Unemployed Hindus in the cities would fight Muslims over trivial matters. The Tutkar incidents soon turned into riots. Hatred and enmity between the two great nations of India grew. This negative atmosphere, however, seemed very favorable to the Sangh Parivar as very quickly Hindus began to join their ranks. As the manpower increased, so did the morale of the Sangh Parivar. In 1985, he launched a campaign to replace the Babri Masjid with a Ram Mandir. The controversy made the Sun Parivar's main political party, the BJP, popular all over India.

Successful implementation of the anti-Muslim agenda brought the BJP to power in 1998. Now the Sangh Parivar Muslims should have sent a message to India that their era of independence was over. Now they have to be subordinate to the Hindus. They cannot openly publish and display their Islamic identity of which Muslims were very proud. It was with this courage and bravery of the Muslims that he became especially envious of the lead. His greatest wish was for the former rulers to become second-class citizens. They should be made so frightened and backward that they cannot stand up to the power of the Hindu majority. This mentality and ideology was first put into practice by the hardline Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the state of Gujarat.

In 2001, under his leadership, the Jan Sangh thugs and the entire state machinery continued to massacre Muslims for several days. Thousands of Muslims were martyred during this period. He killed Muslims in the state by making them second class citizens. Today, Muslims live in isolated neighborhoods where even the basic necessities of life are not available. They are living a life of great hardship and suffering. It makes their hair stand on end.

From 1999 to 2014, the Sangh Parivar spread its wings in the bureaucracy, army, police, politics, business and commerce, media, and other walks of life. At the same time, by committing unprecedented acts of corruption, the Congress leaders struck themselves in the foot with an ax. In 2014, Narendra Modi finally became the Prime Minister of India. Now it was time to put the anti-Muslim terror into practice. So we saw that the Hindu nationalists gathered in the form of mobs and started beating and martyring Muslims in the streets and bazaars in a very cruel way, sometimes in the name of "Gorakhsha" and sometimes in the name of "Gojhad".

Men with beards dressed in Islamic clothing and women wearing burqas may be subjected to verbal or physical violence. Muslims began to be denied houses in the neighborhoods. This practice was adopted so that the Muslims could tell India that this country was not theirs, the Hindus were its real owners. Thus a great ideological shift took place in India. That is, the mindset of Muslims to militarize India's Islamic identity is now operating all over India. The point is that the state should adopt Hindu Rashtra and make all Muslims its subjects. They could not even openly practice their religion. Today, maintaining its Islamic identity has become a major issue for Muslims in India.

The last year of Modi's rule was not economically and politically satisfactory. That is why, on the eve of the 2019 elections, it was thought that the BJP would not be able to get an absolute majority like before. However, in the election campaign, Shater Modi, as per the constitution, managed to mobilize the ignorant Hindu masses on his platform by making Pakistan and Indian Muslims the air. It is as if the tradition of inciting Hindus against Muslims and straightening their owls continued and Modi took full advantage of this policy and was re-elected Prime Minister.

Now the Modi government has aggressively attacked the Muslims of India. The special status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir was abolished. He put a lot of pressure on the judges of the Supreme Court to get permission to build the Ram Temple. He then amended the citizenship law to prevent the migration of Muslim refugees from Burma, Bangladesh, and other countries to India.

Above all, the Modi Janata Party has announced a national register campaign across India. This was a direct attack on Indian Muslims. Through this campaign, the Modi government wants to deport millions of Indian Muslims by declaring them illegal. The same announcement caused a wave of concern and anxiety among all Indian Muslims.

Indian Muslims have so far patiently endured the attacks of the Modi-led Sangh Parivar. But the nationalist and extremist Hindu leaders interpreted this patience as cowardice, so their spirits soared. Muslims now realize that remaining silent against oppression is not the right strategy. So first of all the students of Aligarh Muslim University protested against the anti-Muslim policies of the Modi government. The protests also took place in universities in other cities where the secular Taliban rallied against the Modi government in solidarity with Muslim students.

The main center of the protest was Jamia Millia in Delhi. This Islamic school was established by great people like Maulana Mahmood Al-Hassan and Maulana Muhammad Ali Jinnah Johar. A large number of students studying there started protesting against the government. Intoxicated with dictatorship and arrogance, Modi did not like this public protest. He gave free rein to the police to crack down on Taliban protests.

Chashma Falak then saw that the obsessive soldiers and officers of Delhi Police broke into Jamia Millia and brutally rained batons on the students. When the students came to save them, they were not spared either. Meanwhile, anti-government protests were also taking place at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi. The masked terrorists of the Sangh Parivar, armed with sticks and rods, entered the area and severely tortured the unarmed students.

Horrific violence against Muslim students of Jamia Millia has caused grief and anger among their parents. Then, in the Shaheen Bagh area of ​​Delhi, women staged a sit-in protest against the Modi government, which became permanent. It was the first time in five years that Muslim men and women had come together and staged a massive demonstration against the Modi government. The day and night demonstrations at Shaheen Bagh lit up the Modi government. He did not expect that even after so much oppression, Muslims would have the courage to rise up against the government.
Coincidentally, the February 2020 Delhi State Assembly elections were to be held. BJP and Sangh Parivar leaders rained down on Muslims in Shaheen Bagh while campaigning. They called him a traitor. The matter did not end there. The hardline Jan Singh started chanting slogans in his meetings: "Shoot the traitors of the country, shoot the years." This was a reference to the Muslim men and women protesting in Shaheen Bagh and Jamia Millia. That is why, in both places, extremist Hindu youths opened fire in anger.

The BJP lost the state election badly. Interestingly, Home Minister Amit Shah had to admit that election campaigns based on hatred and enmity may have played a key role in the BJP's defeat. But even this defeat did not change the mindset of the Sangh Parivar leaders. The main reason is that they believe that by inciting the Hindu masses against the Muslims, they can perpetuate their power and authority. That is why he decided to cause Hindu-Muslim riots in Delhi so that his vote bank could be expanded in the capital as well.

Delhi or Delhi has become a city or a megacity for the last two or three decades. One and a half crore people live in the city. It is the second city in India after Mumbai. If the suburbs of the city are combined, the population of Delhi reaches 30 million. According to the United Nations, it is the second-largest "urban area" in the world.

Administratively, Delhi has become a "national capital region". It covers an area of ​​573 square miles. It has its own state assembly and also the chief minister. However, the police are subject to the federal government. The federal territory is divided into eleven districts. The district adjoining the state of Uttar Pradesh is called "North East Delhi". This is the district that became the killing ground of Muslims in the last week of February 2020 after the 1984 Sikh-Hindu riots. It was the worst Hindu-Muslim riot since 1947 in which about fifty Muslims were martyred. However, according to local Muslims, the number may be higher.

The Sangh Parivar carefully chose the North Eastern District to cause Hindu-Muslim riots. There are about three million people in this district. This is the new area of ​​Delhi where poor and middle-class people from different states have come and settled. 99% of them are associated with small jobs and small businesses. It is noteworthy that the Muslim population in the district is 30%. The rest of the districts have a Muslim population of 5 to 12 percent. It seems that most Muslims live in this district. The total Muslim population in Delhi is 12%.

There is an abundance of educated and conscious men and women in Delhi. These Delhiites were not generally attracted to the negative views of the Sangh Parivar. (Of course, he was drawn to Modi's economic agenda.) But inciting the religious sentiments of illiterate Hindus is the hallmark of the Sangh Parivar. Due to the predominance of illiterate Hindus and Muslims in northeast Delhi, it also became a feature of the district to implement the plan.

According to the plan, from the evening of February 23, Sangh Parivar workers started throwing stones at the Muslims sitting on the sit-in. Muslim youth also naturally responded to the stone with stones. This is what the leaders of the Sangh Parivar wanted so that the riots could escalate. That same evening, they called in Jan Sangh thugs from the villages of Uttar Pradesh, armed with sticks, poles, and ropes.

The Delhi Minorities Commission is a local government body. It protects the rights of minorities in the federal territory. Zafar Islam Khan, a Muslim engineer, has been the head of the company since 2017. After the recent riots, he visited the affected areas along with members of the commission, Kartar Singh, Father Russell and others. The report of this visit is eye-opening and astonishing.

According to the report, on the evening of February 23, between 2,000 and 1,500 people from Uttar Pradesh reached North East Delhi by Jan Sangh riot buses. They were placed in schools in Hindu areas. The thugs then, wearing niqabs or helmets, began attacking Muslim shops, offices, and homes on the night of February 23. They were equipped with gas cylinders. With their help, the property was set on fire. Local activists of the Sangh Parivar kept informing them in every neighborhood in which shops and houses belonged to Muslims. Only they were burned.

Muslims are also human beings. When their homes and businesses were attacked, outrage spread among Muslim youth. They then rallied and targeted some Hindu areas. A few houses and shops were set on fire. It was a kind of retaliatory war but the Jan Sangh thugs continued to attack the Muslim populations in a very organized manner. They wreaked havoc in areas covering an area of ​​ten square kilometers. Meanwhile, on the orders of the Modi government, the police remained spectators for three days and did not attack the rioters.

Hundreds of Muslims were injured during the riots. Thousands fled their homes to safer areas. Thus, the Sangh Parivar once again made it clear in its show of strength that Muslims in India must now become second-class citizens. If the anti-Muslim policies of the Modi government continue, there is a danger that millions of Indian Muslims will lose their religious and cultural identity. It is also possible that future generations of Muslims will remain nominal Muslims and adopt Hindu customs and practices.

The main plan of the Sangh Parivar is to divert the Muslims of India from Islamic values ​​and traditions and force them to adopt Hindu Buddhism. Our elders established Pakistan to avoid this danger. Had it not been for its establishment, the vast majority of one billion Hindus would have gradually taken over the Muslim-majority areas as well. The Modi government will gradually make Jammu and Kashmir a Hindu-majority state.

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