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The Relaxation Time


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We don't feel it, but in normal life, certain things have a direct effect on our body and health. Here are seven things you can do to prevent serious illness, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

1. What happens when we don't have breakfast?

When a person wakes up in the morning after a long rest, ten or twelve hours have passed since he ate. It is as if the body needs fuel. The important thing is that the amount of glucose in the blood is also reduced at this time.

So if a person goes to work without breakfast, it means that he will lose all his energy. This is because our brain needs blood sugar to function effectively.

This is why men and women who do not eat breakfast experience headaches, nervous tension, nausea, and abdominal pain. Sometimes mental strength also decreases. Researchers have found that school-age children who eat breakfast have a sharper memory. They also perform better than children who do not eat breakfast.

"Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day," says Dr. Soma Derley, a leading American physician. Another thing is that men and women who do not eat breakfast, then they eat more in the afternoon or at night to make up for the lack of calories. Also during this time they usually eat saturated fat products; the fat that accumulates in the arteries of our heart.

Those who do not eat breakfast also suffer from the bad habit of eating junk food between meals. Researchers in the United States have found that obese women who eat a heavy breakfast rich in carbohydrates and protein lose weight during dieting. Fat women who do not eat breakfast are deprived of this success. To lose weight by having a proper breakfast, so your blood sugar level will remain normal.

Important point

More than 75% of men and women who eat breakfast lose weight. If you enjoy breakfast in the morning, you will also be able to avoid insulin resistance. This condition can lead to type 2 diabetes.

2. When we eat chocolate ... So what happens

Sugar is present in all the sweets available in the market. That's why when we eat toffees, pills, ice cream, cakes, etc., which are high in sugar, our blood sugar levels (sometimes to dangerous levels) rise. However, this effect is not caused by chocolate.

The reason is that chocolate is also high in fat. So it slows down the digestion of chocolate. So eating chocolate raises our blood sugar, but not as much as the simple carbohydrates such as toffee, pill, white double bread, pasta, or potatoes.

Chocolate also has other negative factors. For example, milk chocolate contains a good amount of saturated fat that clogs the arteries of the heart. And the same milk is available in the chocolate market.

It is also true that chocolate contains fatty acids which do not raise our cholesterol. But eating too much fat means eating too many calories. So if you regularly eat milk chocolate, be prepared to be fat. However, dark chocolate is better in that it has high blood pressure and antioxidants.

Important point

Chocolate is certainly a favorite food of children and adults, but don't make it a habit. Just eat once or twice a week. Otherwise, gaining weight will be your destiny.

3. When we eat apples ... So what happens

Each slice of apple juice contains important nutrients and other nutrients. This succulent fruit strengthens our metabolism, suppresses appetite, and develops the heart.
Fiber is the most important nutrient in apples, especially soluble fiber. Remember, all kinds of cellular substances are good for our health, but soluble fiber has a unique feature, that it controls blood sugar levels.

As soon as the soluble fiber reaches our intestines, it activates all kinds of acids and germs. This activity slows down the digestive system. That's why the sugar in apples is slowly absorbed into our bodies. So of course if you eat two apples, our blood sugar levels are normal.

Apples also contain an antioxidant, quercetin. It is a very healthy substance (also found in green tea and onions). It protects us from asthma, heart disease, and maybe some types of cancer.

Important point

Researchers have found that people who eat apples avoid diabetes and heart disease. This fruit also protects a person from becoming fat.

4. If I spend the day sitting ... So what happens

Many people spend most of the day sitting. They believe there is nothing wrong with that. But the problem is that when glucose starts to rest in our blood, our body becomes a victim of many disorders.

When we walk or do something, our muscles absorb glucose and produce energy. But the day we sit and don't move much, glucose is not used. And when a person becomes accustomed to sitting, two major physical problems arise.

The first is that our body converts some unused glucose into fat (or fat). Second, if glucose stays in the bloodstream for a long time, then the amount of a special type of compound "AGEs" in our body increases to a dangerous level. This substance damages our nerves and blood cells.

This is why if our blood sugar levels continue to rise, kidney disease develops. The nerves get worse and the blindness gets worse. Diabetes is considered a special product.

So don't sit for long, stay active, and work. Otherwise, you may suffer from the above physical ailments. Remember, exercise is a fat-burning activity. And research shows that physical activity also lowers AGS levels. So make sure you include exercise in your routine.

important point

Sitting for most of the day also lowers blood sugar. Therefore, this condition again causes many physical defects.

5. When I live all day in anger ... So what happens

There is nothing wrong with people getting angry from time to time; it is a natural emotion that sometimes overwhelms everyone. But being constantly angry is another thing; it affects human health.

Anger is a double-edged sword. Because emotionally it destroys one's mood and takes others away from it. While a physically angry person can become a victim of obesity and diabetes.

Anger is actually a kind of "emotional stress". It produces adrenaline and other stress-related hormones in our body. One of the effects of these stress hormones is that they raise our blood sugar levels. Also, emotional stress can lead to bad habits, such as eating unhealthy foods.

If a person burns and suffers all day long, then this condition also has a negative effect on his heart. Recent research from the American University of Tel Aviv has revealed that people who are prone to anger are more likely to find a chemical called endothelin.

Excess endothelin causes fatigue, cholesterol, and other nutrients to build up in the arteries of the heart. This chemical increases the risk of heart attack.

Modern research has made another dangerous discovery. If a person is constantly in a state of intense anger, then arrhythmia is disturbed. If this disorder gets out of control then your heart can stop beating… forever!

Important point

Remember, being angry all day is poison. So if you find your blood boiling, find a way to cool it quickly. For example, write down your anger in a diary. Tell a friend or colleague a secret story of pain. Or go out and shout out loud ... Take every step you can to get rid of your anger.

6. I'm happy all day So what happens

When a person is happy, satisfied, and calm, then the power of concentration increases. He then pays more attention to himself. Because man lives in peace and order in his world, stress hormones are not produced in his body. Thus, in their absence, blood sugar is controlled, high blood pressure is not produced and the heartbeat remains normal.

Modern research shows that happy men and women are protected from infectious diseases and other ailments. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States have deliberately infected ten men and women with various germs and viruses. Physical examination of the men and women later revealed that those who were in a good and good mood produced large amounts of special disease-fighting proteins called cytokines. This protein makes our system immune.

Other experiences have shown that emotions affect our behavior. For example, they found that people who have a positive mindset and are optimistic eat healthy food and exercise. They also have low blood sugar levels. So they live a better life than people who are frustrated and have a negative attitude.

7. If I get five hours of sleep a night ... So what happens

Whenever a person sleeps less than usual, his bodily system becomes paralyzed. Research has shown that lack of sleep causes our body to produce less of the appetite-controlling hormone, leptin. This is why men and women who sleep less usually start eating more and become fatter.

Lack of sleep also increases the production of stress hormones in the body. This is why our body starts releasing excess glucose into the blood (so that the pressure can be reduced). Therefore, too little sleep disrupts the body's insulin system.

Hold your heart, it's just the beginning. Researchers have discovered that when a person becomes less sleepy, our immune system stops making certain chemicals that kill germs. That's why a study last year found that women and men who get less than seven hours of sleep are more likely than others to suffer from common illnesses such as fever, cough, and cold.

There are other disadvantages to sleep deprivation. For example, when the alarm goes off, the person starts the day reluctantly. Then, as time goes on, the man becomes lethargic and drowsy. He doesn't do anything carefully anymore. On the other hand, men and women who get a good night's sleep and get a good night's sleep can absorb new information faster and work better.

important point

It is true that some people become active even with a little sleep, but most people need seven or eight hours of sleep.

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